its been a while


What’s that saying? Happy people don’t write in their diary?


Hi. It’s been a while.

So much has happened in so much time.

I’m in my second to last semester of college. Currently making my schedule for next semester (see previous entry). I’m not going to be able to graduate in May (most likely) because of an outstanding 3 credits for Spanish. I had to drop the Spanish class I was in this semester. Why, you ask? Well…it has to do with hitting my allowed amount of excused absences and it getting so bad that my professor told me I have no chance of passing the class even if I ace every single one of my exams. Departmental policy. Nothing they can do. Blah blah blah. I’m sure you want to know what made me miss so many days of class, right? 

In the beginning of September I got horribly ill. I was sick for two weeks with some sort of intestinal virus and no one could tell me what was wrong. I was running a fever the whole time and was told to stay home until I wasn’t. Well, I had abdomen ultrasounds and blood work done, but nothing showed up. I was in the ER one of the last days because I was so dehydrated. It was an absolute nightmare. I was just getting better when my lovely boyfriend got a head cold. My immune system was so abused that it couldn’t handle a simple cold. I ended up with a complete upper respiratory infection, sinusitis, and tonsillitis.

Sooo, I beat that, just in time to dislocate my knee for the FOURTH TIME in 4 years. I did it getting up off of the toilet. Seriously. There were a whole bunch of circumstances that allowed that one, but for a half hour I laid on my bathroom floor, pants around my legs, with a dislocated knee because no one was home to help. I finally got it back into place, but I was in such pain I could barely move. Threw up I was in so much pain. Crawled to a phone and got help. Ended up going to the ER for that, told me I had probably torn something and went to get an MRI. Got that back, and I have a laundry list of shit wrong with me from a torn medial retinaculum to a tilted and subluxated patella. In order words: my knee cap isn’t in line with my leg bone and is just sort of chilling there waiting to spontaneously dislocate at any moment. I also have bone bruises on my femur and my patella. Fun times! I’ve been sentenced to Physical Therapy for the next 6 weeks, 3 times a week, with the knowledge that I’ll most likely still need surgery at the end of it all.

Hmm, I hobbled around like that for forever, and about 2 or so weeks ago I got sick again. I was up at Adam’s visiting since it was his last weekend home (I’ll get to that) and I think his parents house was so cold I ended up irritating my lungs and getting an infection. Got bronchitis. Fuck life! Right there. Just fuck life.

As for the boy, he left on October 14th for AmeriCorps NCCC in Sacramento, CA. He’ll be gone until the end of July with very little time off between now and then. He’ll be home for Christmas and New Years (most likely, if there aren’t any national disasters.) He’s loving it there and is writing a blog to chronicle his time out there. I freaked out before he left, had some mild breakdowns worrying about what was going to happen to us while he was out there. Well, so far, during training, he has been attentive enough that I don’t feel like I miss him all the time. I get at least a call a week, texts, and he’s always updating his twitter account so I get updates every so often on what’s going on. How this will be once he goes on a spike (6 weeks at a location doing community service in their region…could be anywhere from Alaska to Hawaii to American Samoa and everything in between on the west coast) …I don’t know. He’s off in the wilderness of California for the next few days helping clean up a Boys and Girls Club camp and is completely out of contact with the rest of the world until Saturday.

Other stuff going on? Hmm. When he gets done with AmeriCorps we’ll be moving to whatever location he decides to go to for school. Right now that’s either NC (ahh, home sweet fucking home…er…yeah), Georgia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Indiana, or Western NY. I’m pulling for NC, GA, and MD. I’m not really excited about the other prospects. I’m looking at grad schools in all the areas, but am only applying to places offering assistantships for their masters candidates. I’m also applied to Teach For America but am sooo not sure how that is going to pan out.

Ok…so…waaay too much information. I’m going to head off.






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October 28, 2009

Oh what a life! Well hopefully your better rite? Wow….