the happiness project

Hi, strangers.  I suck at life for not noting and for barely reading.  Sorry!  Life has been crazy with planning the wedding, my boss leaving at work, two sickly animals, and so forth.  Only two months left until the wedding and I’m finally starting to get reallllly exciiiiiited. 🙂  And I’ve been reading The Happiness Project, so I wanted to write down some of the quotes I’ve found memorable and things I’ve learned so far.

– "Love is a funny thing.  I’d donate a kidney to Jamie without a moment’s hesitation, but I was intensely annoyed if he asked me to make a special stop at the drugstore to pick up shaving cream."

Bill never complains when I ask him to stop at the store for something, or if I ask him to run by the bank or post office.  Yet if he asks me to do something like this, I feel like it’s such an inconvenience and why can’t he just do it?  Total double standard.  Just thought it was interesting the way Gretchen put this feeling that I definitely share.

– It takes at least five positive marital actions to offset one critical or destructive action.

Can’t remember where she got this stat, or if she made it up herself, but I thought it was interesting and  most likely true.

– "There is no love; there are only proofs of love."  (Pierre Reverdy)  Whatever love I might feel in  my heart, others will see only my actions.

Really love this one.  The only way I can show someone how I feel, make them truly understand it, is in my actions.  If my actions include snapping at Bill, my mom, my dad (which I often do)… that doesn’t really show how much I love them.  Patience, kindness, understanding show them how much I care.  

– "One of the great joys of falling in love is the feeling that the most extraordinary person in the entire world has chosen you."

Couldn’t have said it better. 

 – Sometimes the most difficult part of a task is just deciding to do it.  

SO TRUE.  How many times have I put something off over and over and over again only to finally get it done and realize it wasn’t nearly that bad after all?

– "We are happy when we are growing… it isn’t goal attainment but the process of striving after goals-that is, growth-that brings happiness… The challenge, therefore, is to take pleasure in the ‘atmosphere of growth,’ in the gradual progress made toward a goal, in the present… A sense of growth is so important to happiness that it’s often preferable to be progressing to the summit rather than to be at the summit."

Totally on board with this.  I’ve learned there is little I love more than growing, feeling like I’m improving and learning, working toward something.  Once I accomplish a goal, I do feel proud and enjoy the satisfaction, but I’m very quickly looking for the next project or goal to attain because I enjoy the process more than anything.  

– "One reason that challenge brings happiness is that it allows you to expand your self-definition.  You become larger."

Yes, yes, yes.  The more challenges I meet, the better I feel about myself because it makes me larger and better.  Challenges and experiences widen my horizons.  I never really thought about it this way, why I loved learning new things, going new places, and having new experiences – it expands my self-definition.  Makes perfect sense.

– "The days are long, but the years are short."

So unbelievably true.  Each day can seem like an eternity, yet I’m always amazed how quickly each month and year passes.  Btw, I can’t believe it’s been almost four years since the Olympics in Beijing!  Since I graduated college!  FOUR years… wow.

– "To eke out the most happiness from an experience, we must anticipate it, savor it as it unfolds, express happiness, and recall a happy memory…  What’s known as the ‘rosy prospection, anticipation of happiness is something greater than the happiness actually experienced.  All the more reason to revel in anticipation."

I’m trying to remember this in the midst of wedding-planning stress.  Never again will I be engaged and planning my wedding.  My bridal shower is this weekend, and it’ll be the only time that I am the bride at a bridal shower (something I’ve envisioned at every bridal shower I’ve attended).  And very quickly, both the moments of the shower and the wedding will pass.  I must remember to savor them while they happen, express to everyone there how happy I am they could come share this moment with me, and recall these memories later in life.


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🙁 I’m sorry I will be missing it. Assuming we’ve all shaken this virus from hell, are you free at all sunday? maybe a waffle house redo if you have time? lemme know. If not I will catch you next time!

March 13, 2012

I like those quotes! I’ve heard a few people talking positively about this book. I’ll have to check it out at some point.

March 13, 2012

Lol, well apparently I already put it on my to-read list! (on Goodreads)

oh, just saw your note! I’ll be here all day friday (of course, no car!) but I do have to warn you that with this virus you’re contagious 3 days after vomiting so you’re cutting it close with Chloe still being sick. I just don’t want you to be sick for your shower/bachelorette… She just woke up crying with a 102 fever, the poor thing. pumped last night and today and he finallllly nursed. still feel like shit but I’m trying hard to force down gatorade and water. cant make myself eat yet. I am SO hoping Logan doesn’t get this.

also, we’re just going down for the day saturday and coming back saturday night. My mom doesn’t want to leave my brother with my dad overnight because he is crazyyyy. also, chloe’s party is april 14th at my grandmas at 2! If you can come 🙂

March 14, 2012

Those are some great quotes. The first one cracked me up, because Tony and I are the same way… he never minds picking up random stuff for me at the store, but vice versa, it feels like such a bother to me. Heh. I think this is my fave… “One of the great joys of falling in love is the feeling that the most extraordinary person in the entire world has chosen you.” <br> 🙂 Good to see your name in bold again!

March 14, 2012

Omg, two more months?! Exciting!

Yep just let me know whenever! Its no biggie of he doesn’t feel like travelling another weekend BC I know I wouldn’t want to. Lol

March 15, 2012

I love these. I’ve been thinking about picking up this book for a while & I definitely think I need to go ahead & do it. 🙂

my mom won’t even go to the food lion! and its the closest grocery store by far. she hates seeing people too. In fact, she STILL sees people she went to hs with. I want to be in the new kent/williamsburg area, or maybe out west, charlottesville, amelia, powhatan. Nowhere near metro richmond. Newkent/wb is my ‘dream’ area but with aj’s job being out on genito its looking like far chesterfield is more likely. boo. maybe he’ll find another job out this way . Yesterday he was talking about JC conway having a new dog and he was going over there didn’t I remember JC etc etc. I was like DUDE. I didn’t graduate with your class, first of all. lol and second, I don’t efffffing care .

new kent is definitely a good place to look, esp around the woodhaven area. its on a lake but so many of the houses are older and need a face lift that they’re going to for like $89k-$100k. Houses that are already updated for for $130-$200k depending on size and proximity to the lake. its zip 23141. I like to look on zillow too for fun

Oh, and your idea is definitly something we could talk about. We’d need to be on the same page with rent and what you want AJ to do maintenance or house fixin’ up wise and it would depend on area but we’re open to hearing more about it if its something you & bill want to do. (oh and just so you know we’ve never not paid our rent or utilities or anything like that, we’re bankrupting strictly medical bills and credit card debt. lol)

yea the belt thing is good I guess. gonna buy some spanx or at least try them on with dress and see if that helps. AJ was helping me try the dress on yesterday and he did the eyelet thing at the top and then was like oh the dress is crooked and tried to move it and the eyelet thing came off the dress. haha gotta get my ma to sew it back on. I am like FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET THIS DRESS FIT. I havevisions of it exploding open at your wedding if I bend over. gonna work out today FO SHO

yep. its 59 at walfart tho.

ryn- they fit from 7-35 pounds. the diapers have all these snaps which make them adjustable, so I would never have to buy more. Chloe is just now about 32 pounds, so they should last Logan up until potty training or almost. I am so exciteddddd. seriously, its a sickness.