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House Comparison Pictures!

June 28, 2013
After six months of living with Bill's parents, we're finally back home and in a place where I can document our progress.  While living with my in-laws wasn't nearly as bad as people assume, Bill and I are so happy to be home again.  I updated our original Before/Now pictures to in...
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Recent Entries

  • happiness
    May 10, 2013
    So happy to... be back in our home. know I am loved by a man who is absolutely amazing. celebrate one year of marriage tomorrow. have two wonderful, loving mothers. Plus Sue - make that three. be enjoying the warm weather. catch up with old friends. spend so much time with wonderful family and fr...
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  • words to live by
    January 27, 2013
    I used to actively try to be a happy, optimistic person.  I used to actively try to be a GOOD person.  But somewhere along the way, I fell into the easy pattern of complaining, pessimistic outlooks, a quick temper, and general depression when things weren't going well. In effort to go b...
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  • decorating woes
    January 20, 2013
    While we're not living in the house, I'm trying to make as much progress as I can in terms of redecorating.  We're taking this "opportunity" to change a few things we didn't like about the house before but weren't worth changing before, such as paint colors.  And we need prett...
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  • the happiest day ever
    June 19, 2012
    For those of you who remember this entry, I let Bill read it for the first time during our honeymoon.  Who would have thought that we'd actually get married? :)    I posted all of our lovely wedding photos on Facebook.  The album is public, so even if we aren't FB friends, you...
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  • you can never have too many sunsets
    June 11, 2012
    Hellooooooo!  Long time no talk. I am so very glad the wedding is over.  I think I spent the first three days of our honeymoon just smiling and repeating to myself, "It's OVER! I'm so happy it's finally over!  I can't believe it's over!"  It felt (and still feels) so...
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  • the happiness project
    March 12, 2012
    Hi, strangers.  I suck at life for not noting and for barely reading.  Sorry!  Life has been crazy with planning the wedding, my boss leaving at work, two sickly animals, and so forth.  Only two months left until the wedding and I'm finally starting to get reallllly exciiiiiit...
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  • 17 bullets for nojomo 17
    November 16, 2011
    Remember how I said I was so proud of myself for writing?  Well, I'm not anymore.   Tomorrow is my last day at my current office with ESPN. On Monday, we're moving to a new building (new to us, it was actually built in 1903) with the rest of our department.  And I am ecstatic.…
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  • 12 days of nojomo
    November 11, 2011
    An old friend from high school messaged me on Facebook late last night.  She's someone I used to be very close to... she was one of my best friends from about 7th grade to 10th or 11th.  But sometime after high school graduation, I stopped talking to her. More or less on purpose. We kin...
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  • nojomo 11.11.11
    November 10, 2011
    Bill is out of town for six nights, so I am completely immersed in my SSB. House is semi-clean (after being a wreck for the past week), candles are lit, and a glass of white red wine is poured.  Bill and I always drink white together, but tonight it's just me, so I'm indulging in…
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