I’m going mad, Ted!!!!!!!!!

 I don’t usually resort to writing OD entries at work — especially not when I’m REALLY REALLY busy and do NOT have the time for this, but….

OMG. I am am just one itty bitty frayed nerve thread away from Losing.My.MIND.

It’s like Ted and Dougal in the camper (or caravan if you’re in the UK) with the insane youth leader (Graham Norton!) who WON’T SHUT UP. And of course I can’t embed this bit of hilarity and it’s also an awful quality video with subtitles that appear to be Russian, perhaps. And the part I am quoting is at the very end of the clip too, so even though it’s hilarious on its own it takes awhile to get to my point. 

"Ted. Ted. I’m going mad, Ted!"

And this whole senseless rant just illustrates how completely mad I"M going right now. 

And for once it’s not Aggravation Receptionist’s nonstop chatter. Well, it IS partially that, at least whenever there’s a break in the DRILLING THAT IS GOING ON RIGHT BESIDE MY HEAD.

Right the fuck beside my EAR on the other side of the concrete wall. Of course it’s not CONSTANT drilling. It gets very very quiet for a bit… like right now…. and I think, oh, they’re finished! They’re done!! It’s ……


And I have jumped completely the fuck out of my skin so many times today that I am surprised my heart is still functioning. 

That is just in ADDITION to the pounding and banging and crashing of metal-y things and dropping of what sounds like a forklift full of …. FORKS…. really big ones. And hammering and sawing and and and AAAAAGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!

When we moved into this suite of offices last fall, they did a bunch of cosmetic work, including lowering the very tall ceilings and putting new lighting in all of the offices except Mr. Organized’s, the kitchen area, and the area where Miss Artsy sits. They ran out of money before getting those done. The dean vowed to have it finished as soon as we got our new budget. And tada!!! Now she’s found the money and it is being done. And it will look very very nice when it’s completed — the old ceilings were dark and filthy and had those old old lighting fixtures that look like big metal ice trays from the 1960s hung upside down. 

Oh, look, I took a picture before we moved in to illustrate how scary our offices were!

Miss Artsy has moved into the conference room and Mr. Organized moved into a vacant office at the far far end of our suites. LUCKY MR. ORGANIZED. Even Miss Artsy at least has a closed door between her and the madness. There is no door between our offices and the area that’s being renovated- just a plastic sheet of … sheeting.. with holes in it. Where Aggravation Receptionist sits, so she has had it worse than me today. Until the drilling beside my head started. 

Miss Artsy and Mr. Organized have no phone access, so I’m having to be AR’s receptionist backup, adding another layer of madness. Because I am without a doubt the worst receptionist EVER and if I can transfer a call without cutting the caller off, it’s a major miracle. I also never know where anyone is and can’t remember the name the caller just told me for a quarter of a second. And AR didn’t come in until  past 10 because she’s having therapy on her bunion-surgery foot (from last September, for fuck sake! And they are apparently giving her medicine through electrodes attached to her foot — what does that even MEAN??) so I kind of thought she’d, oh, NOT go to lunch, so I wouldn’t end up being the ONLY damned receptionist for OVER THREE HOURS, but no. Of course she has to go to lunch too. Which, on the positive side, does mean she’s not here yakking at me. 

This is going to be going on for at LEAST the rest of the week. 

My nerves are completely shot, my head is killing me, and my allergies are being a bitch so I had to wear my glasses and for some reason I can NOT see out of them. No idea what is up with THAT, they are practically brand new but are Old Lady Bifocals so I don’t usually wear them out in the Real World. Maybe I’m just not used to seeing anything with them that’s outside my livingroom. And I feel like Miss Frumpy 2012 because my glasses and my hair, both of which are perfectly fine alone, somehow together manage to morph into Most Unbecoming Static-filled Limp and Mousy and Four-Eyed Look EVER.  

Oh, look. It’s pouring rain. Because it’s finally FINALLY almost time for me to get the hell out of here and go to lunch. And it’s thundering. And there’s the lightening! I’d certainly hate to NOT wear my glasses and have it pour rain so I can’t see even more of a damned thing than I already can’t see. 

To TRY and insert a LITTLE positive note, here’s what I was seeing outside my window before the pouring rain started: 

A not-very-good phone picture, but…. LEAVES!!! The trees are getting leaves!!! Very very early but at least by now they’re beyond getting killed if it freezes again. I hope. Unlike my wisteria, which was just starting to bloom like mad last week… and now all the blooms are dead. I’m sure they won’t come back. But it often gets killed when the buds start, so at least I got to see the beginnings of blooms. 

Ok. Time to get out of here. I swear I will catch up with everyone soon. If I live through this. 

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My sympathies, that does sound aggravating! I have mixed feelings about leaf-popping season. I love it when the trees are green but why does the process of getting there have to be so bad for the allergies???

April 17, 2012

I am so sorry. There is nothing more irritating to the nervous system than trying to focus and having loud close intermittent noise. It sounds like you are having our spring weather, with the thunder and sun and pouring rain. It is exciting to see leaves even though the allergies have to be the worst ever this year. On the bus to Salem on Friday I had a woman in the seatnext to me that was very sweet and very catholic and would not stop talking. For well over an hour. I wonder how she would do with that youth leader?

April 17, 2012

I am a pathetic receptionist. I do ok on the in person stuff but the phone totally defeats me. Seriously and then I get all anxious.

I hate this situation for you and SO empathize with the NOISE thing from every side, but I have to tell you that I sat here laughing audibly reading this. You have a way with words and a story. 🙂

The noise factor while working would want me want to cry. I can deal with most noise but when I am trying to really concentrate, I need quiet.

And breath 1,2,3,4,5 relax xx

April 18, 2012

Sounds ghastly. I hate renovations. We once had builders in our house for four months and I’m still not over it, 14 years later. Don’t get me started… I hope your lunch was lovely and, say, 3 hours long.

April 18, 2012

PS: Great vid clip. Though painful. Too true to be funny.

April 18, 2012

i am sorry you had such an awful day. hope the rest of the week goes by quickly and all the construction is done soon. leaves are coming out here, too. take care,

RYN: yikes, niiiiiiiice… I haven’t had that comment yet, but when I get it, I’m looking forward to saying “nope, I’m healthier than ever, thanks,” and, if appropriate, giving the person a thorough up-and-down look.

agggggh! i hope the dentist is done working on the wall beside your head now. but somehow? i doubt it…

April 18, 2012

Terrible memory here, so at work when I had to answer the phone, I jotted the person’s name down because I’m so bad with names.

April 18, 2012

Take a deep breath, punch AR, then stop dreaming and get back to it! I’m sooooooo over this place!

April 18, 2012

Renovation work really should be done when humans are not in buildings, but that is almost never the case. Hope it eases up for you soon.

April 19, 2012

I don’t do well with noise AT all. I’d be going crazy. Oh, wait, I’m already crazy. In that case, I’d be going crazier. Hope you get some peace and quiet soon! xxoo,

April 21, 2012

Wait, you’re the only person with a phone and the guys who are drilling may as well be sitting on your desk while they do it? Ugh. I understand that your department had to act as soon as the money was found, but what a mess. I hope you love the new office like you would love a new home. You are seriously earning that kind of attachment to the place.

April 22, 2012

i completely understand your pain!! when they were re-doing the wood around our bay windows and the upstairs bay windows i was certain that i was going to lose my shit. POUND POUND HAMMER SAW!!! SCRAPE SCRAPE POUND!! uuuggghhhhh. hope they finish your office soon!

April 22, 2012

I’m glad someone else forgets names within 5 seconds! I’m super organized and can recall paperwork like nothing, but names just go fsst- out of my head. Hang in there.

April 23, 2012

ryn ME

May 5, 2012

Oh man that would have had me bring on a quick migraine and get the hell out of there!