the arctic is no respecter of fashion

I  am tired of winter. I am SO SO SO tired of winter. We’re currently experiencing our second Polar Blast of the month, and right now it’s 14 degrees (F). Last night it was down to four. Four above 0. Not quite as bad as the last Polar Blast when it was EIGHT BELOW ZERO, but. Still. I am not made for this kind of torture. And I know I always whine about our winters, but. SERIOUSLY. This is madness.

Ice. Flow. Nowhere to go!!! Ice. Flow. Nowhere to go!!!

I hate having to scrape ice off my car in the morning. I hate having to wear gloves and a hat and earmuffs and a down vest and a down jacket and two pairs of socks and then not only can I not move thanks to being so layered that I look like Cartman, or pick things up without taking my gloves BACK off and then I drop them and have to fumble the fuck around to get them back on, or hear anything thanks to my ears being covered up… AND I"M STILL FUCKING COLD!!! My office is never above 68 degrees (and YES, that is COLD, dammit) even after my illegal space heater has run all day long. It’s generally about 55 when I come in. Sometimes it’s colder than that!! It’s the price I pay for my lovely and obviously completely unweatherwised windows that the icy air howls through all day. It could be worse… SNOW was coming though the windows in my boss’s office.


I’m late for everything (even more than I’m usually late for everything) because I am never ever prepared and I can’t find my hat and I can’t find my gloves and I can’t find warm socks and I never remember to start my car ahead of time so it’s frozen and icy and I have to scrape it and of course I can never find a scraper either, never mind that I’ve used it every damned day this week. And everything takes ten times longer than it should when you’re bundled up until you can barely move.

My head is stopped completely up, while my nose is running constantly, which I would not think is even possible. I can’t sleep because I can’t breathe and I have a fountain for a nose. My head hurts and if you’re guessing I might be a tad cranky, hey, you’d be right! Even the poor cats are getting on my nerves, and we won’t even mention how snapish I’ve been with Baker B. Who is no fan of cold weather either, incidentally. Or how much I hate the students and my workmates and the other drivers I encounter who are all complete and total idiots and… well, everybody, really.

I seriously think I have a pathologically deranged reaction to winter, and it just gets worse every year. Most people can just bundle up and carry on, but I fall completely to pieces. I rage like a crazy person, then I collapse into the floor and weep hysterically. Well, I want to do those things… mostly I’ve kept a very tenuous grip on myself, but believe you me, it’s weakening. Especially when I read that there is no end in sight to this deep-freeze.

Well. I suppose I’ve whined enough for one entry.

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I stay cold all the time too…you and I are probably the only two people on the planet who don’t complain about the heat of summer! Hang on, my friend…grab my lifeline if you need it. 🙂 Hope you feel better soon…we need to get together after the polar vortexes!

So sorry for this miserable weather. I hope it turns around in feb. You deserve war er weathet. Can you put plastic on your windows?

January 27, 2014

I’d so love to stay in touch. My e-mail is, and I’m on Facebook – Nancy Williams Laird. Let’s keep in touch, please.

January 27, 2014

I’d so love to stay in touch. My e-mail is, and I’m on Facebook – Nancy Williams Laird. Let’s keep in touch, please.

January 31, 2014

I am SO sick of the cold too. We’ve had -12 for a high here. 20 to 30 below with a 60 below windchill. UGH. I am so sick of winter!!