well hell.

It’s no surprise that OD is going away forever, and I’m amazed that we got a little warning – I really really expected to come here one day and just find it gone. I went through and saved all my old entries – ALL of them, since 2001- to Evernote as screenshots right after the "server move", and I’ve saved it as a text file too. So I thought I was ready.  I thought I was all hardened to the pretty inescapable fact that OD was in its last days… but seriously, I’m sitting here at work with tears in my eyes. I knew it was coming, but after all these years of OD’s demise being imminent, without ever actually arriving, it was hard to really truly believe it could ever die. I’ve been here forEVER- 12 1/2 years! In the last few years I haven’t been doing much writing and have been a terrible noter too, but it was always here, whether I was or not. Well, kind of, with its ups and downs. It always came back. It’s been a huge part of life for a lot of us, and I’ve made about a million times more good friends here than I’ll EVER make in "real life". 

Well, to quote Six Feet Under…. "everything dies." 

I’m on Prosebox, same name, at    http://www.prosebox.net/box/133/ . And yeah, PB is not OD, but I do really like it and there are improvements being made constantly, and a whole lot of ODers there already. And if you’re on Facebook and want to be friends, let me know – my email is brittanbm@appstate.edu.

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January 27, 2014

Yeah, I’m teary, too.

January 27, 2014

I’m so sad! PB still doesn’t feel like ‘home’ to me. I hope EWS’s site will open soon, as it is suppose to be a lot like od, only better!

See ya over there!

January 27, 2014

I was just thinking about the 6 Feet Under finale after watching the Dexter finale…really a great ending…very satisfying, consistent, bittersweet.

January 27, 2014

I’m crying too 🙁

January 28, 2014

I was astonished to find myself crying last night too. Even my oldest sister, who has refused to read my diary all these years because she thought it was weird, understood what a big change this is today. I downloaded Mr. Finch’s diary and my poetry diary yesterday and am glad to have had the opportunity to do that. Glad to have a little notice and glad to know that I won’t keep coming here and wanting it to work and it not working. What a wild ride it has been. 🙂

January 29, 2014

Oh, Edna! This is soooo awful! I’m glad I’m not the only one crying. I don’t know if I’ll be on Prosebox, myself, but I hope to still read you. I’m actually quite FURIOUS that I’ll not have the chance to peruse your fantaatic diary although at least I can still view your photos at Flickr, right? Pip pip, and cheerio! (This is my anti-tearidote.)

January 29, 2014

Yes, it’s a sad day, and I don’t think it’s sunk in yet that OD is not going to exist very soon. Anyway, I have loved meeting you here, and look forward to your always entertaining entries on Prosebox.

January 30, 2014

I never expected to get any warning. I just expected it to not load some day. I haven’t written much the last few years and have felt detached. I’m not sad or emotional as I was so sick of the problems. Even though I don’t care for it I’m thankful for PB.

Thank you Edna. I’ve been worrying about Marg for days. I’m sure I have an old email somewhere but I couldn’t find it. I’m glad she knows. Thank you for telling me. 🙂

January 31, 2014

I can’t take it in yet. I’m so shocked and so sad. I feel like I am losing a huge part of my life even though I haven’t been on a lot in the past few years. I came to write a good-bye entry but I can’t all I can do is the title…do you know what’s going on?

January 31, 2014

I cried like a baby! I never thought it would ever be gone. Ok, I figured out how to write an entry, so I came back to tell you. It worked in ie. I am so glad you will be on prosebox and I can still see you there. But it just won’t be the same will it? Sooo glad we are friends on FB too. We don’t have to say good bye to each other, just to OD. That’s hard enough! I will miss this place. 🙁

February 1, 2014

Yes, I’ve finally found out OD is dying. I actually got a phone call from Australia to tell me!!! Our pc died the week before and I was away at the festival. Today is the first day I’ve got onto the new pc and I think I’ve saved my diary to date. Also retrieved all the wonderful notes with email addresses etc! Yes, I’ll go to Prosebox and keep my own name. But that will be in a few days as partneris very busy setting this pc up. I thought I’d cry, but I was just so damn grateful someone made an international call to tell me!

February 1, 2014

PS: I always thought I’d read back in your diary one day. A pleasure I saved too long, except for occasionally hitting random in this diary after reading one of your entries. Always led to hours of reading and howling with laughter. See you on the other side!

February 1, 2014

started a pb but i cannae green it

started a pb but i cannae green it

February 6, 2014

I love you Edna!