tucked behind the ear

i’m sitting in the library, with great intentions of getting things done.  And still I find myself wandering to this site, lurking around, finding any excuse not to study.

OD is just so much more appealing than the zydeco paper I should be researching.

one of my roommates is deaf.  I don’t think I’ve mentioned that here yet.  but she is.  I thought it’d be a great opportunity to see that culture, to experience a different way of life.  As it turns out, she’s a complete witch.  I’ve learned some sign language, my own attempts at a friendship, but as the weeks have gone on, I’ve realized that we wouldn’t be friends even if she were hearing.  it’s sad really.  i wish it could have been different. 

i’m still not used to living here.  i still don’t like it.  school keeps me busy, which is a blessing.  otherwise i’m sure i’d be crying myself to sleep at night and bouncing off the walls during the day.  instead, i’m running from class to class, practicing piano, playing in ensembles and learning about the industry.  it’s tough to keep motivated, especially when i don’t really know anyone here.  i’m not the easiest person to get to know, though i’m trying.

i worry about my family most days.  it’s hard to know how they are doing.  i’m not sure.

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October 10, 2006

It’s hard feeling so conflicted about where you are, I know.

I would go to this site constantly when I was in school.