
I got my letter from disability yesterday and they did not give me my disability. I am still very pissed and upset but what can I do……… I am going to appeal it and hope for the best. So please pray for me.

I want to write bout how I feel about equal right for gays to marry. Why I believe they should have the right as everyone else. I try not to question someone believe. But I have a question for you if you a against a gay marry.

Let’s said you own a company and a gay man comes and apply for a job at your company and you hire him. And in your company you give him all the benefit and rise as all the other employee in your company get. Now let’s said you are a good Christian and you live good and pray go to church and try to live without sin. When you die and go before God for judgement. Do you think God will say you are a good Christian but you give a gay man a job, so your going to hell?

I just don’t think that how it work. I don’t believe in gay marry but I do believe in love and respect and equal right and if two people of the same sex love one other who am I to judge them cause I am not without sin.

Only God can judge me!

Good night

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March 27, 2013

I think you are totally right about this ! Sorry you did not get your disability. You should appeal it .