NoJoMo #29

I’m so tired but I can’t sleep…….Waiting on the meds to kick in. I got to get up early and keep Kami’s baby tomorrow. I didn’t win the lottery but someone is 550 million dollar richer. What I could do with that money. Hell get 5,000 right now would make me happy, oh well.

I have not delete my profile from POF yet, but I am. I just not willing to fuck my way into a relationship. This town is to small to find love it, I even tried to dating out of my race and that is just not going to happen in a small southern town. White men are just a little scary in the south and the black man are no good. And the good ones are either married or don’t like plus size women.

I still going to have the bypass surgery. I talked to a nurse at UAB and she is going to help me find a doctor. My weight is killing me and I just know when I get this weight  off, I will feel much better. I don’t think I be in pain all the time and my back will be a little stronger.

Well my pain pills are kicking in, thank you GOD. 
Good Night

Much Love

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