Let’s all just dumb down!

I was recently joking with one of my buddies from back in high school. He’s a cool guy, and a darn good success story. He was morbidly obese in high school. We didn’t really pick on him about it because he was such a nice guy, but we still jokingly referred to him as "Sexual Chocolate" (reference: Mark Henry’s gimmick in WWF at the time). So that does count on picking on him, but in the nicest way possible

Anyways, now he’s physically fit. And I don’t mean Jared from Subway type of weight loss, but actual muscle tone and he runs marathons. You would never guess he was so fat before because he looks like he’s a gym rat. Everyone’s proud of him. He’s working on a book about how he did it

Now we’re both past college and in the working world. He recently left one job and is in training at another. Last week their trainer for the day started with the question, "How many weeks are in a month?". To which one lady responsded, "4… but sometimes 3". He said it made him shake his head. There was even a calendar in the room

I joked with him that the trainer should have followed that answer with the question, "And which months have 3 weeks in them?" Haha

I give up, I just don’t get how dumb people can be. And it’s supposed to be a room full of college graduates? 3 weeks in a month? 7 days in a week, 3 weeks makes 21 days. And the lady said it so confidently, haha

I predict by the time my son makes it to high school, Webster’s Dictionary will just make it official that ‘your’ is the only spelling to use and delete "you’re" from existing. Same with ‘there’, they’ll just delete "they’re" and "their". Make it easier with one spelling

And then just replace ‘have’ with ‘of’ entirely. Just so the people needing to rant about what others "should of" done won’t look so dumb in their Facebook statuses

Let’s all just save ourselves the frustration of seeing these mistakes by dumbing down to that level. This is the ideal solution. It’s the lazy solution, and that’s what people seem to like nowadays…

moral of the story: 15 days until Xmas! Hope your done with your Xmas shopping! It should of been done during Black Friday. And decide where your ofing Xmas dinner this year, your family’s house of there house over there

Have a Nice Day!

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