Well it’s official I start school for Digital Image Management on Friday. Orientation is tomorrow afternoon. I’m nervous and excited but happy to be doing this. Got tired of talking about doing something and DID something. Feels great!!!!! 

I haven’t bee in formal class since 1989. This should be interesting LOL. I will have a busy schedule, that’s ok it’ll keep me from spending money I don’t really have to spend. I needed to do this for me. I’m praying for the best and going to do my very best. I know I can and will accomplish this. Finally TRULY moving forward.

I’ll have class Wed. and Fri. 8 to noon and Sat. 8 am to 4:30 pm. Have off from 11 am to 1:30 pm for lunch. A bit hectic but nothing I can’t handle. 

I want to thank all my friends who have and are supporting me in this venture. Thank you all so very much!!!!

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