Delayed Entry

 Mom has her surgery on Friday. I’ve taken three nights off to so she won’t be alone and to help dad out. This isn’t going to be easy on her. I’m worried. We’re all worried. The surgery is simple but mom’s health is not the best. Thank god for FMLA. At least I can do this and get paid. I’m glad I can be here for my parents. They shouldn’t have to go through this alone.

School is going well so far still keeping that "A" & well. I am really enjoy learning all these new little things that will help me with my photography. I guess I am doing ok. I have my good days and my bad days just like anyone else. I am debating about going on a technology cutback . I may even turn my car back in and go with public transportation for a year or so just so I can catch up and get ahead. I may not be happy with that but I have to do something. It’s obvious that that banks and credit unions will no  longer help any one unless they have more money than they need. Oh well life goes on.

Well all good night. I have to get up early in the morning to help mom and get her meds started


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