2014 already?

Wow one entry for an entire year… that is sad from me. Maybe it explains why last year felt so stressful. Although at times life is just simply stressful. But this is spose to be where i put all that stress so i don’t strangle anyone… Altho one day i spose i could snap even writing in a diary. I find it extra strange however as I use to be a shall we say ‘chronic’ diary write. One if not two entries a day. No matter if nothing was going on in my life I would write. You know, just to say ‘hey today was boring as hell’.

Well New Year new start. and while it’s almost a week into the new year at least it is a start. Now if any of you have read me before (which by the way I think I might be ready for yet another name change). Quite a bit has changed since last I wrote. Let’s start with the bad things of last year. My grandpa died and then a few months later I had to put my sweet old dog down. It as her time but I still miss the hell out of her and cry for her when no one is looking. I can’t even write this without getting a bit of a catch in my throat. She was my best doggie friend and my listener when i needed it. And I find it horriably wrong that I miss my dog more then I miss my grandpa… guess that’s cause of the kind of bad relationship him and I had in my younger years…..

Anyhow onto some good new… great news actually. I FINALLY WAS ABLE TO MOVE OUT OF MY RENTS!!! Which you have no clue how happy that made me when we moved. We being Steve (my fiancee) Pepper (my dog) and I. I didn’t really move all to far away about half n hour. But it’s a nice small two bedroom house. Just enough for Steve and I 🙂 We are renting from a lady’s who we work with’s boyfriend. They are honestly giving us this place at a freaking steal. I don’t tell to many people but I’ll tell all of you. I’m getting the house with Gas and electric included. Oh and free snow removal <3 for 550 a month! It makes me very very happy. It's affordable and has no surprise fee's 🙂 We also opted as the road has cable to just pay for internet (only 30 a month) and get netflix and hulu beyond whatever else you can watch on the computer.

Since we’ve moved here…. wait first let me mention we live in michigan if i have never mentioned before… Since we’ve moved here we’ve had a horrid ice storm like 1/2 and inch of ice… a power outage for 4 days… came back on Christmas Eve…. and now a snow storm that dropped like 17 inches of snow on us. So if i had just moved to the state I’d almost say i hate it here… but it’s michigan and snow happens lol Winter sucks… and I’m tired of having to call into work bleh. Had to call in this morning but will be able to go tomorrow because Bruce (Land lord) just plowed us out….. and of course my car was stuck on the ice under the snow….. bleh

I’m still working at M (grocery store who’s name im not spose to mention) but they have cut hours something horrid so I’m getting under employment just got my first payment last week.. is nice to buy groceries and still have money again… Also I have a job interview at Pottery Barn for stock on Wednesday. Was hoping my searching was not really going to result in another job but hey whatever part time stock what they gunna do fire me oh noes! lol

Oh there is probably a bunch of other stuff I could update on but I don’t feel like sitting here typing anymore. I feel weird at the desktop It’s been out of commision (due to only having wireless net) for over a year and now is back up at my new house. Strange to sit at it and type…. Well I’ll try to make sure I stop back and visit more often this year….. and no that’s not a New Years Resolution. I don’t believe in those.


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