I’m alive!

I haven’t updated in so long that I don’t even know where to start. Why does that always seem to be the case? I love staying up to date on here but find that I always push it to the back burner. no more! I am committing to myself that I will try to "write" at least every few days 🙂

quick updates:
things are going great. Business is good (knock on wood) and I’m finally getting to enjoy the steady roll of commissions from my hard work in previous years. Always nice to have some cushioning and some "fun money". Been working my butt off and traveling a lot FOR it- but it’s been very worth it. My company continues to grow as a whole. When I started in 99 we were at 12 people. We are now up to 96. The bosses are saying that we will be sold by minimum the end of this year, and maximum the end of next year. Most people would be worried about this- but since I’m a share holder, I welcome this purchase with open arms. My CEO has told me that they are set on choosing a company to buy us that agrees to keep us on for at least 2 years, so I’m not worried about it just yet. And regardless, once we sell I will get paid on my shares so hopefully it will be worth it.
Having said that- all of the "fun money’ has been put to good use lately:) I took a week long vacation to Hawaii 3 weeks ago with my best friend and her parents. Went to Oahu and Maui. All I can say is that Hawaii is just as amazing as you probably picture it in your head. Then went to Virginia Beach with the fam for the week of 4th of July. Also an awesome place! This weekend I’m headed to Destin for a bachelorette party for Andrea. Should be a fun girls trip! needless to say I’m getting as much beach time in as I can!
love live:
ugh- don’t even want to go there. Currently single. Have one guy that I’m kind of talking to but he lives in MN and who knows. More on that later.
Things are going great there. Have a great trainer that is also a good friend and doesn’t charge me so I’m enjoying that! Happy with my weight (or at least accepting it for once in my life) but still trucking on and trying to lose some more. (my goal is 15 more lbs)
More to come later. Off to try to catch up on my faves! I’ve missed you guys! 🙂


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July 9, 2012

Hi 🙂

July 10, 2012

It was so great catching up with you in person! I’m so glad to see you back on here!! I’ve missed keeping up with you. That’s awesome about having shares in your company. That must be a very secure feeling. And as for the guy in MN, keep me updated, though I know you’re only being slightly optimistic. 🙂 And I can tell you from seeing you in person that you look GREAT! Hope 2 c u again soon!