“on the road again”

Things have been busy as usual. Traveling to a ton of places. Today I go to Kansas City, then I’m back tomorrow night. Then Thursday I leave for VEGAS!! Yea baby! I have a conference there for work, but not till Sunday, so Friday and Saturday will be spent hanging out with my work girls as well as Anna, who is flying from California to meet me in Vegas for the weekend. Yay! I haven’t been there in a while, and both of my girl co-workers (who are both really fun) have NEVER been there, so it should be a fun time!

Still talking to the youngin from Lousiana, but not AS often. We text a lot, but haven’t talked on the phone as much lately. It’s just hard once the novelty wears off and reality sets in that we don’t live in the same area, etc. But… I do have another work trip planned for Nov 8-10th in Louisiana, so hopefully I will get to see him while I’m there.
On another note, I have signed up again for EHarmony (I have done it before). They were running a special for 3 months for $60 so I figured why not. I joined about a week ago though and still haven’t really been “matched” with anyone that really interests me. But it’s only been a week so I’m trying to stay positive. And don’t worry, I DO open myself up to all kinds of looks, stats, etc. so it’s not like I am just closing people out for a dumb reason. BUT.. I’m 30, I’ve dated A LOT of people, and I know what I want and what I don’t want. Hopefully that doesn’t mean that I’m left with no options…lol… I guess we’ll see.
I’m still doing Crossfit and loving it. I hurt my back (chiro says it’s a pinched nerve so nothing major but definitely requires some attention and I have to lay off certain exercises for a few weeks) so I haven’t been going 100% with RX weight, but I’m still doing great and seem to be in the best shape I’ve ever been in- so at least it’s been worth it! Been trying to “clean” up my diet a little and eliminate processed foods (don’t worry- I’m not doing no carb or anything extreme) so paying more attention to all of that has been good cause it’s been forcing me to cook more. Which I actually like to do now. When I have the time, my meals are better- but I’m getting better at preparing in advance or cooking on Sundays for the week.
All in all, things are good. Been having a fun “football season” (love day drinking and watching sports!!) and enjoying this BEAUTIFUL weather before it gets cold! I love the fall!

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October 17, 2011

yeah, we’re on this new kick as well… I’m so proud, our peanut butters ingredients list is as follows; peanuts, oil. LOL!

October 23, 2011

Busy as usual! I still have never been to Vegas and you’ve been, like, half a dozen times now?! Hopefully one day. Glad you’re doing EHarmony again. I agree with you that you know what you want but I think it’s good you are keeping yourself open to new kinds of guys. I am sure you’ll be going on some dates with some of them in no time. Seems like eating clean is the new trend these days!;)