….and yon.

This photograph is titled “Verandah Grill artist Doris Zinkeisen poses with her Vignette ‘Jazz’.” I like this image a great deal. In no way does it represent any real artist at work. I know well what an artist should look like when in the throws of creativity. I always was covered from head to toe in paint. Globs if not smears. My more finely tuned friend Ba has been known to wear sweats sporting scatted bits of paint as proof she really is an artist.

The whole ship is like this image of Zinkeisen, a façade of perfection that amuses and enlightens but just fractionally behind the times. Zinkeisen’s murals as well as the stunning yet humorous Royal Jubilee Week by Thompson in the Observation Lounge inspire, stir the imagination, yet in no way compare to the best of the modern art being produced on either the continent or in New York.

The only works that push the envelope are the illustrative Lalique glass panels that line the Second Class Main Stairway. I have delighted in these since my first trip to the Queen Mary. My friend Ba and I had snuck below decks far from the tours and crept down this stairway just after the Mary’s arrival in Long Beach. That visit the darkness grew oppressive and the smell of burning wood and metals frightened us so that we never completed our trip to the bottom of this stairway. We fled to the sunlight in great relief but missed an adventure.

This trip, we did not find out if the stairs continued any further than D deck either. We resolutely entered the door marked “Employees Only,” and G photographed each panel to the best of his ability hampered only by our knowledge that we shouldn’t be there. At the final door, I opened it to find a security guard stationed to the left. We hurriedly shut the door and quickly climbed back up the stairs to an open deck.

For some reason, security guards appeared several times while we were in quiet legitimate spaces. Perhaps we were first into the engine room a particular day. We knew we were the last in the WWII displays. Those guards were unfailingly polite. We appreciated that.

The Second Class Main Stair glass panels comprise a history of transportation seen from the Moderne eye.

Here three speedboats push through their wire lined glass for eternity.

Other panels offere views of a carriage, or a velocipede, or a horse and rider dashing through their glass. Each panel blends well with the one next to it each tied together with rounded Deco lines. In this last image, three automobiles vie for space with a motorcycle. You can feel their speed as they dash through time. You appreciate the artist and what he is attempting. And just for a moment, you are there.

The two Queen Mary albums:

Gueen Mary December 2003: Upper decks and displays

Queen Mary December 2003: First Class Lounges, Verandah Grill, Second Class Main Stairway

A quiet day. Cold for southern California. We huddled together in one room until we have to go down to do laundry, to make lunch, to go walk. He plays games mindlessly; I make albums equally mindlessly. We make few days like this, together yet apart.

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So marvelous what you’ve seen and shared with us! Smiles & Hugs

December 30, 2003

thanks for sharing with us…love to you….

December 30, 2003

Beautiful. Thank you so much. Hugs.

December 30, 2003

The speedboat picture made me think of boobies. Considering what has happened lately, I’m surprised I thought of that.

December 30, 2003

Great job on the pictures. I really like the ones from yesterday that showed the side views of the ship. I think our weather has gotten confused. It’s 9:30 at night and it’s still 36 here-that’s very warm for December in Wisconsin! xoxo

Hi M I like the first picture too. It’s striking. How I’d love to see the Queen Mary. She is so far from her home and yet has found a good home in the USA. You have great feeling for her 🙂 Thanks for your notes and for sharing. Very best wishes as the New Year rings in. Warm hugs

You’ve destroyed my image of an artist. LOL Lovely photos. I could use a mindless day, either alone or with another. RYN: BMI is Body Mass Indicator. If you put BMI in google, you’ll find some sites that will calculate your BMI. Mine is way too high, but it’s coming down. 🙂

December 31, 2003

Fantastic. HappyNew Year to both of you.

December 31, 2003

Very nice!

December 31, 2003

Here I’m a So. Cali native and I’ve never visited the Queen Mary. Shame on me, eh? Nice pics, thanks!

December 31, 2003

The posing artist photo did make me smile! It’s a beauty. As are all the rest! I imagine the ultrasecurity could be anti-terroristish. I am heartbroken that I couldn’t come along and peek where one shouldn’t. Thanks for your caring note. It was tough this year, really was. But I am still alive and I have today off. So I will regroup and recoup and go on. May we meet in 2004!

Hmm, two strangers skulking about where no strangers have dared to skulk..does the “t” word have any meaning here??? Were you wearing trench coats? Mahvelous pix. CarriE

January 3, 2004

As always great entry. Thanks for sharing…loved the speedboats….. Warm smiles to you…….