Am I the Only One?

It seems that every direction I turn.. there are families in turmoil.

My family is a prime example. 

I still can’t believe my sister is gone and it’s been almost two months.  My sister led a very tortured life.  She started using drugs in her teen years and was still at it in her 40’s.  She was in and out of jail many times and in prison twice that I knew about.  The drug use had definitely caused brain damage and talking to her was not an enjoyable experience.  Regardless of our relationship – she was my sister and I loved her.

My 20-year old nephew fell asleep driving home from work this week and totaled his car by hitting a tree.  Amazingly, he wasn’t hurt and I am so very thankful.  His truck was totaled and he was so mad at himself.  Things can be replaced – those we love can’t.

I’ve had a lot on my mind this week and have had to keep shaking myself to prevent an overwhelming sense of sadness overtake me.

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April 16, 2011

RYN: yes they are thankfully..I hope things are going well for you too ! Think positive…ALWAYS ! 🙂

Wow, you are going through all this, and you had time to tell me you were thinking of me. You do not know how much that meant to me, and at a time when I needed to hear it most. I am sorry I did not respond right away. Things have been so crazy hectic, but getting better. You are a good friend, and I will keep you in my prayers.