March 1st…

On my mind…

♦ My niece is 15 and her boyfriend is 18.  They have been dating since she was 13 and I think it’s totally crazy.  My sister says she can’t keep them apart.  Hmm.. she’s 15.  Granted I don’t have children and may not understand.  This weighs heavily on my mind.

♦ My uncle’s cancer has moved to his lungs and he will start chemo again as soon as it’s approved by his insurance.  My cousin (not his child) has been going back and forth to help him and it’s an 8-hour drive for her each way.  She goes on about how hard it is on her running back and forth.  My sister and I have both offered to help out  (even though it’s quite a drive for us too) and she makes up excuses as to why we shouldn’t.  She even went as far as to tell my sister that my uncle doesn’t like strangers in his house.  WTH.. I’m not offering anymore.  She can be a martyr if she wants.  I’m beginning to wonder if it’s a "money" thing cuz she has told me that she is executor of his estate.

♦ A friend sometimes calls me on her way to class in the evenings.  I asked how a friend of hers was doing and she said, "Oh, I tried to call her and she didn’t answer – so, I called you."  The last time she called she said, "I’ll call you tomorrow if I’m having a bad day."  WTH..

♦ February was a difficult month.  The 13th was the anniversary of my sister’s death.  

♦ I’ve felt very quiet lately and pretty much keep to myself.  I hope I can drag myself out of this funk in March.

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March 2, 2012

So sorry about your sister!!! I lost my youngest bro so i can relate!!! [[huggs]]

March 2, 2012

Anniversaries of death can be difficult, and understanding others ( such as your niece or the cancer that’s going on ) can be just as hard. My empathy. I hope things lighten up for you soon. Try to relax and do something nice for yourself ~Anna

March 25, 2012

I hope your nearing the end of your funk. Take care.

March 26, 2012

RYN – I did go through recently and clear out my friends list, it had gotten so long and there were so many on it who don’t write on OD anymore, or who I’ve been off their friends list for a long time, or who haven’t left me a note in years. I didn’t mean to delete you! Thanks for bringing it to my attention — I’ve added you back and thank you for caring and enjoying my diary.

April 2, 2012

Hi, I hope things have gotten better for you since you last note. I lost my oldest brother in car accident way back in 80’s and its still a yearly celebration for our family. We celebrate as to his good memories! BUT it is also a sad time for us too. I lost my biological mom back in 1005 and its still very fresh to me. I get angry and very sad the week of July 4th. Hang in there!

April 9, 2012

RYN: I wish I Felt like I could way what I wanted but I feel like I’m always being judged, ever since the random noter thing. I just can’t be myself.

April 29, 2012

RYN – to my surprise, I do like the pillow. I have two expensive down filled pillows that I love but I’m always stacking my pillows up (I can’t breathe if I lay too flat) and I seem to be adjusting and squishing and puffing up (if that makes sense) those pillows all night. So far it seems that with the memory foam cool gel pillow I’m comfortable without constantly adjusting my pillows. I’ll be glad to let you know the brand info on the pillow if you like.