Thinking Outloud…

Just got an email reminder to send A (my sister that passed away in February) an e-card for her birthday next week.. sigh


My uncle had surgery today. Doesn’t look good cuz they couldn’t remove the part of the tumor that was wrapped around the main neck muscle. They had to detach on of the larynx muscles that will effect his voice and possibly his ability to swallow. He’s already been given the max on radiation. The surgeon is going to discuss Uncle B’s case with a committee and discuss options at his next appointment. He’s supposed to be in the hospital 2-3 days.

I’m heading to LA for the weekend to visit a friend.  That… I am looking forward to..

I’m debating on whether to go by and see Uncle B in the hospital on the way to LA.  It would be almost twice as far to go to San Diego first and then to go to LA from there.  I’m not good at dealing with people in the hospital and end up crying like a big baby.  I think I’ll wait and see how he’s doing and then decide.

I did all of my Christmas shopping online on Cyber Monday.  I didn’t have much to buy and got free shipping and 20% off at Kohl’s.  I ordered earrings for my mom from Avon and they were broken.  The instructions said to email them about returns.  So, I am waiting to hear from them.

I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon to get new tires on the Kia.  If we ever buy another new car, I will make sure it does not have low profile tires.  Those suckers are expensive..!!!

I thought I had more on my mind until I started typing.. happens often…

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