This morning hubby and I were up bright and early. By six we started to get ready for our day. We went for our fasting blood test. It wasn’t too busy. By ten we were having breakfast at our local restaurant. Then hubby dropped me off at the MALL. Don’t worry! I didn’t go to shop. I went to have my haircut, to have a manicure and my toe nails cut etc. I don’t go too often because it is expensive!!!!!! I met a friend so sat around and chatted for awhile. By two I was walking home. My only exercise these days.

I had a long nap and then made supper. Tonight we played bridge. We filled in for friends who couldn’t make it.

I just packed my valise because we are leaving for Toronto in the morning. I have clothes in the dryer. I don’t know what’s wrong with my dryer. I have to dry every load twice. I will have to look into the instruction booklet.

We’ll probably leave about nine. It is about a six hour drive if you don’t stop too often. I’m taking my computer so I will be in touch from there. Have a good weekend.

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Perhaps you should check the lint filter.If it is full it will stop the warm air flow.

September 27, 2013

have a good trip to Toronto. hugs p

September 27, 2013

Have a safe trip. Love,

September 27, 2013

I agree..check the lint trap on the dryer if that gets full it will take long to dry. I hope you have a great weekend.

September 28, 2013

You may need to have the vent hose leading to the outside cleaned. Ours was clogged and my husband bought a kit at a hardware store to clean it.

September 28, 2013

your dryer vent probably needs to be cleaned out, it blocks the air flow to the clothes so it takes longer to dry, you need to get that checked right away, it is a fire hazard.

September 29, 2013
September 29, 2013

It sounds like you had a very nice day! 🙂 Enjoy your trip. 🙂