Yesterday morning I went for a hearing test. My hearing has deteriorated but not enough that the government will pay for a hearing aid. I will have to decide if I want to buy one or wait until the government will pay for it. I know they are very expensive! I guess I will have to do some research.

Then I went to visit my friend who is a “shut-in.” She can go out but she has trouble breathing etc and lives upstairs. When she goes out it is difficult for her to walk back up the stairs. I told her that she needs to take a lot longer to walk up. She has a chair at each landing but I’m convinced she doesn’t wait long enough. After all she is in no rush. I want to PUSH her to go out but since it makes her anxious to consider walking back up the stairs I haven’t. She has a chance to move in downstairs but can’t face the work etc. She has lived in her duplex forever. Anyhow I went over after lunch. Her daughter was there. We had a wonderful visit. Her daughter is an individual. She goes with the flow. She does what she wants. She does not consider society’s opinion. I enjoy her point of view and admire her for going out on her own. I am sure she caused her mother many a sleepless night. It’s interesting because my friend has two other daughters and they are all different! One is living with her boyfriend for many years and has two daughters. She lives a pretty “normal” life except for not being married. The other one is living with her and has a child “out of wedlock.” We played scrabble not concentrating very much. We chatted a lot about anything and everything.

I came home about five thirty.
Today i am going to relax. I am not sure if I’m going swimming. I am making supper for my children and nephews. One is from Toronto. I haven’t seen him for awhile. Most of the food is ready. I just have to take everything out of the freezer.

So that’s the latest here at Gingers.

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Your friend should take the plunge and move into the ground floor place. Between three daughters they can manage the move. And they can hire help. Three men and a truck is good, here in the US. Is there a company like that there? I wish I could do away with stairs, like have a ground floor laundry so I never had to go in the basement. She should do it! Life would be so much better. You’re a good friend to her.

August 9, 2013

I guess that part of the reason you friend doesn’t want to move is that it will me downsizing and making choices about what to let go. I hope everyone can rally and help her make the move.

August 9, 2013

Glad for an afternoon of talking and games and being lighthearted!

August 9, 2013

Hearing aids sure are expensive but why won’t the government pay for yours? That sucks. I can understand your friend’s reluctance to move…..soooo much work!

August 9, 2013

I’m glad you had a good afternoon.

August 9, 2013

your friend’s life quality certainly would be so much better if she was able to be downstairs. Perhaps you and your hubs ( or other neighbours) could help her pack up and get moved if her daughter cannot help her. hugs p