So yesterday hubby and I went to the doctor. At least he drove me. He had an appointment with the dietician. I went to the neurological hospital. This is what he doctor said. Some time ago I had a stroke!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????? He showed me the scar it left. Anyhow apparently it was the cause of my seizure! He told me I would have to stay on the Dilantin – not sure for how long but as long as it helps me avoid further seizures I don’t care. I can’t drive  for six months. I think it’s about three months left by now. I had the seizure about February 15. March, April, May, June, July, August 15th!
I have to go back in two weeks for an EEG. Then I’ll see the doctor. Hopefully everything will be the same or better. I’m surprised at how easy it was to get an appointment for the EEG and that I can see the doctor after. So that’s it for my medical report.
Tomorrow morning I am going to the Golden Age for the second lecture in Historical Biographies. Then my son will pick me up for lunch. He plans to do my washing in the morning although it will take him longer. He offered because I was going to drop everything off at the laundromat. He is such a helpful and caring son! He might still change his mind after seeing how many loads I have!!!!!!!
At night we are going out for supper.
So I want to try to go back to sleep.
Have a great day.


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May 11, 2011

looks like the huge space at the bottom is not there anymore. you had a stroke? wow!! how scary that must have been to hear that. it appears that it must have been a very mild one. for that we can be very grateful. if the medicine is working… stay on it. what a sweet son you have!!! take care,

May 11, 2011

It’s gone now! The huge space, I mean:)

Wow…that’s a shock to find out you had a stroke and didn’t even know it. Your son is a sweetheart. How wonderful for you. The huge space has disappeared! Yippee!

May 11, 2011

i was wondering why i couldn’t seem to leave notes before. I hope you are well despite all that you’re dealing with.

May 11, 2011

Sorry about your stroke but taking care of YOURSELF has to become a priority now, you always did for others all your life now it is your turn for people to help you out.

May 11, 2011

a stroke is a warning so I hope you will try not to stress too much and rush around……take time to enjoy life with all its quirks and just remember….you can help your health by not being a worryguts. Small strokes can impact but not necessarily impair ones lifes…some people go on for years having them. The thing is to minimise the possibility of a big one. Take care, hugs P

May 12, 2011

My mom found out she had a TIA (transient ischemic attack) when she went to her eye doctor and he could see the evidence on her cornea. She had no idea!

Despite the medical news you seem to be in good spirits, so that is good. You took it in your stride. Good for you. Your son is a good guy!