Today the sun was shining and it was HOT!!!!! We had no plans so I made some. I suggested to hubby that we go hit some balls. He was happy with that. I did pretty good! I don’t know if it’s a beginning but we both enjoyed it. I put on a load of lotion and forgot about being in the sun.
Then we sat in the shade. Hubby had a beer. I had a bottle of water. Very peaceful.
After that we drove over to the hospital. My poor friend was having a bad day so it was good we could be there for her. She said her husband was hallucinating!!!! He hasn’t been able to eat since Friday as he was having trouble swallowing………………no water, no ice chips etc. OY VEY!!!!!!! Tomorrow they might put in a feeding tube. They tried before but apparently this will be a new method. We took my friend into the waiting room for a bit as this would give her a change from just looking at her husband. Her two daughters were there.
We came home after seven. I made some fries, garlic rolls and mayonnaise chicken. YUMMY! Now to go sit down but I know I will fall asleep in two minutes.

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I live in Edmonton .. and it was HOT here today as well, though honestly I haven’t been outside yet. But I am planning to go there in a few minutes once I get off the computer. I have seen your diary entries on the front page and have always wanted to note. So guess today is a first. But I was wondering where in Canada you live ? I love Canadian diaries best as well they are not talking about

their guns and belonging to the NRA. I know so I am Canadian what did you expect. Anyways .. I am going to try not to write a book here, as I commonly do. Take care.

May 5, 2013

sometimes having no particular plans ends up being the best of days. hugs an smiles p

I’ll bet your husband loved hitting balls with you… hope you can do it again! I love love love your commitment to visiting your sick friends.

I’ll bet your husband loved hitting balls with you… hope you can do it again! I love love love your commitment to visiting your sick friends.

May 5, 2013
May 6, 2013

That does sound like a wonderful day. Glad you enjoyed it.

May 6, 2013

I have noticed that last minute or improptu plans turn out better than thought provoking and time consuming plans turn out. Odd isn’t it? Glad you had a great day. How do you make mayonnaise chicken?

What a great day, from the sound of it!

May 7, 2013

RYN: LOL no, that wasn’t actually a pic of me with my yarn. My friends seem to think that is what my stash looks like, but I can assure you, I’m MONTHS away from having a stash like that one! But I DO plan on learning to fire spin! And I absolutely cannot wait!

May 8, 2013

Glad you and hubby did something together for a change.

May 9, 2013

What is mayonnaise chicken?