Yesterday we went to see my grandchildren perform. My granddaughter was in a gymnastics show and my grandson was in a hip hop show.
We left about seven thirty in the morning. We found the place easily enough. My granddaughter performed quite well although to be honest we couldn’t see that well. The events were staged throughout a large gym. We were sitting against one wall so some were just too far away! We sat beside my DIL’s parents. The woman is very friendly and we had a nice chat. I took pictures and she took videos. I don’t know how well they turned out. Will download them now. We talked a lot about taking our grandchildren. I haven’t taken them for awhile but apparently she has been taking them pretty regular.
My son and his wife sat with friends in another area.
After the show the four of us went for lunch.
Then it was time for HIP HOP!!!!!! I saw my ex DIL and her mother at the show. We were all happy to see each other. I didn’t think of my DIL’s reaction. My ex was in our life for about seven years and she is the mother of my grandchild. I don’t how how my son reacted. He didn’t say and I didn’t ask. My DIL’s girlfriend needs a full hysterectomy. When I woke up before I was thinking about her. I think I will arrange to take my grandson when he is at her house and take them out for supper or maybe bring supper to their house.
My son mentioned that he wasn’t playing baseball this year. What’s up with that???? He always loved it and some years he was on two teams!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must call him today to find out.
After the shows we came home and relaxed. I organized my freezer. I found some veal chops so we had those for supper along with some perogees.
I am crocheting still. I hope I am doing it right. I am crocheting a large piece around the first side and then will attach it to the other. IT looks ok but I won’t know till I try to sew it to the other side.
So the supper for our LLL reunion is at someone else’s home. This way I won’t have any work. I will just bring a bottle of wine.
No plans for tomorrow. If nothing turns up I guess I’ll go back to the hospital. My friend needed a blood transfusion…………………

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May 5, 2013

what an interesting encounter. enjoy your supper. hugs p

May 5, 2013

Sounds like you stayed busy. RYN: My grandchildren are growing up quickly, here I have 4, oldest boy is 22, then there is my granddaughter Desiree, the only girl. Then Corey is 15, and Zach the youngest grandson is 11. In Washington state I have three grandsons, 22, 21 and 17. They grow up so quickly. Love, Pooh

May 5, 2013

this makes me wish I had grandchildren!

I’m glad you’re there for them with the common sense to be yourself and do what seems right. I’m looking forward to my grandchildren needing us there to cheer them on, too. The oldest of the four is only 2 so we have a little bit of time before dance or baseball, but time does go so fast…