I don’t come to this site as often as I use to. If I do come it’s to read any notes I might have. I do read some favourites but do not keep up. I would like to but I just don’t seem to have the time to sit! I am not sure why! Maybe I have just been here too long……………………………..I do want to stay in touch with my many friends here. I depend on them! I also want to keep writing so my children will know my "history." Maybe part of the problem is my difficulty getting in etc.

Anyhow I have been doing well. I know it’s mind over matter but sometimes the matter just takes over.

I have been wondering if one of my pool friends is gay. I wonder how you could tell. I really haven’t seen any indications but all of a sudden I started to think that maybe she is??????????????????

I am doing washing this morning. I must have about six loads to do. I don’t know how it piles up so fast. It seems like I just did a few loads and then there is more. So I am staying home this morning and will get it all done. Hubby is going shopping. In the afternoon I am going to another Zentangle class. I can’t wait. It is so relaxing. I am also organizing my craft room still. I am getting rid of stuff. I am giving away my Nintendo. I want to think that some child will be very happy and I can do without it for sure.

So on with my day.

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December 8, 2013

You’re keeping busy. If someone is gay or not… her business unless she wants you to know… then she’ll tell you. I use both bookbub and bookblast for free e-books.

December 8, 2013

When I’m home, it seems to me that I can dirty more silverware than any one person should dirty up. 🙂 Laundry, I usually keep up with but not the silverware. 🙁

December 9, 2013

your friends sexuality is not really your business, its hers. Yes, OD continues to have hiccups and deter us from being here as often…but its worth to keep trying. hugs p

December 10, 2013

so glad you’re doing well!

December 10, 2013

If you’re like me, OD is not working when I’m ready to write.

I hope you’re moving to Prosebox! It seems almost everyone is there now. I think it’s very user-friendly…it’ll be easier than OD after the first few speed bumps, I think! M and I do just one or two small loads of laundry a week… I always wonder if we’re dirty; everyone seems to do more than us! 🙂

December 10, 2013

i don’t write or note as much as i used to also. I know it is due to the fact that half the time OD won’t let me! I’m on prosebox but i really don’t care for it—maybe it’s because only some of my friends are there, or the fact that i don’t find it really all that easy (as so many say) to navigate around. There is a trick to it and it seems to change. I like OD and am here til the end.

December 10, 2013

I am sure a child would love the nintendo. We go through a lot of dishes during the day here but we are a family of 7. I am blessed with a wonderful son in law who loves my daughter and his children and treats me like his own mother, with lots of respect. Love,