Yesterday I was busy! I don’t know why I can’t just be………………………in the morning I went swimming for forty five minutes at the clubhouse in the indoor pool. They were doing some repairs so there was no hot water for a shower. It was hot and humid so I could have swam outdoors but I refuse to be in the sun. After the swimming I went to the stained glass room. I worked on my stained glass piece for about two hours. I had my phone with me but I forgot to take pictures. Sorry! Last year I had started an abstract piece. Yesterday I decided I would make a Jewish star and try to use up some of my extra glass. So I will be working on two pieces at once. It’s good for me as I get bored easily. 
Then I went to the Kosher store where I bought some chicken. I drove over to PUBLIX and bought some vegies and noodles for my chicken soup. I came home and made the soup. I had a quick lunch. I thought I would go to the pool but I also made a noodle pudding and it had to be watched. Instead I did two loads of washing.
My soup came out delicious.
We had the chicken and soup for supper. I told hubby I had been in all afternoon so maybe I would go out. He said he would come with me. OK? Where would we go. He suggested Tuesday Morning. I had never been there so that was fine with me. We were disappointed because the store closed at seven. Instead we went to TJ Maxx. Nothing there for me. We went to the Dollar store. I am looking for buttons but no luck. I think I have to go to Joanns or Walmart.
We came home. I cleaned up from supper. Then we went to bed early. That was my day. I was busy and content.
If the weather is nice we will sit at the pool in the afternoon.
I would like to make some mock chopped liver so may go out to buy some mushrooms.
I am so thankful:
that I still have the energy to cook and shop
that I am in sunny Florida for the winter
that my body is pain free
that hubby is happy playing golf three times a week
that I started writing an adventure for my grandchildren. It’s called TEN CLUES. Once I decide on the first clue I will email them the blog site. I hope they will have fun and want to do it.
that I have a home and I’m safe
that I made a delicious soup and will eat it for supper tomorrow night
that I live in a country where there is no war
that I live in a State where there was no hurricane
that I have a car to drive
that I have food to eat
that I have this computer and wonderful diary
that I have TV to watch
that I will miss the "nasty" winter
that my daughter will be coming here in December
that I have hobbies like scrapbooking to keep me busy
I wish everyone a healthy, safe and day of contentment.

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Great list! I love that adventure book idea… I bet they’ll love it!

November 17, 2012

I hope that I still have lots of energy to cook and shop and travel when I am 70! :o) !! I hope to be as active as you are when I am your age. hugs, Nicky

November 17, 2012

what a fine list of gratitudes. you were busy but happy doing it all. that’s the way to live a full life. take care,

I’ve gone private again but I just wanted to tell you that I love reading your diary. I was going to just delete my diary but I couldn’t read the codes so then I just started doing random and there you were, even though I have you bookmarked. I’m glad I didn’t delete my diary.

November 17, 2012

That was a busy day and that is a great list of thankfulness!

November 17, 2012

when you go ‘out’…do you ever just take a pleasant drive somewhere in the countryside or to the sea? It is cheaper and more relaxing than just shopping. hugs and smiles p

That is a great list of things to be grateful for. I’ve never heard of mock chopped liver. RYN: mammogram