Yesterday hubby mentioned that I was sleeping much better. Well so now I am up and can’t sleep!!!!!!!!!!!! Mind over matter??????
Anyhow I just counted my money. This is money I put away when I have some extra. Every day I usually look through my wallet and take out some loose change or bills that I think I can do without that week. So far this winter I saved 278!!!!!!!!!!! I will keep it for my return trip to Montreal.
I am looking forward to the trip home. I just hope it warms up. Every time I speak to my friend she mentions just how freezing it is. I better remember to pack some warm clothes for the trip home. I am thinking about where I will stop on the way home. I’m thinking that I don’t want to stop at the usual places. By now they are boring.
I do want to stop in Albany, New York. I plan to do some Passover shopping there. I want to go to Trader Joe’s, Price Chopper and of course the book store. Hubby keeps telling me that slowly book stores will be fazed out. I just can’t believe there will only be ebooks in the future!
So tomorrow I will go swimming and to stained glass. I am ready to foil and then 
sauder. I will be so happy to get my piece finished. By the beginning of March there will be an art show and I want my two pieces included. The art show is amazing. You should see the art work etc. that the seniors here do.
In the afternoon I have a parcel to mail to Israel. I already mailed it but it came back to me before my niece could pick it up. So frustrating!!!!!
 Not only do I have to pay again but I have to wrap it up again. My niece is trying to get the money back. I hope she does because it’s expensive!
I am not thinking about going to Israel in the Spring. I’m not sure why but I just want to stay home and "re;ax." There is so much sickness around that I am happy just to be well.
When I get home I will have to make doctor appointments. YUK! I go twice a year to about six doctors.
Anyhow all is well here. Must go read some of your entries.

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February 7, 2013

Good for you on saving some money! I think there will always be paper books. 🙂

M and I use TD and have an account that helps us save without realizing it: It’s a unique savings account – every time we use the debit card (to take out money or to make a payment), $5 goes into that account. It adds up quickly! Maybe your bank has something similar?

February 7, 2013

That “spare” change can be a nice surprise and a great way to have some extra money that you feel like is almost a gift!! Good for you!!

February 7, 2013

I swore I would never go to an e-reader! Well, yesterday I got one! I said that about cell phones also.

February 7, 2013

I love my Nook (e-reader) but nothing will replace the feel of a real book in my hand. I’ve heard that same rumor but I do hope it’s not true. A world without books would be a sad world indeed>

February 7, 2013

Great on saving money, that can be hard in this economy. Love,

February 7, 2013

i certainly hope bookstores aren’t being phased out. i love going to a book store. as much as i love my nook, i’ll never stop reading real books. you are lucky to be well at this time of year. all of us are sick here. hopefully, we’ll soon be well. take care,

I think I’ll start putting loose bills in a jar! Good idea.

February 7, 2013

I love that fun money you’re saving–what a good practice. And you reminded me that I still haven’t mailed my package to my son and his family in Montana. I’m only two months late so far, but I really need to do it! Today is a blizzard but maybe tomorrow?

February 7, 2013

I was trying to save money by putting my tip money in a box, so far it works great if I get some good tips!