I spoke to a nurse. She told me that my headaches may be because of high blood pressure. I will call my doctor for an appointment. I will also stop by the shopping center to check my pressure. RELIEF!

I still have my headache. This morning I will call 800. I’ll explain my symptoms as best I can and see if they say I should go see my doctor. I think it is a tension headache but you never know. It’s not that bad but there. I woke up early and took a TYLENOL.
The weekend was ok. I started crayon painting. It was simple and a lot of fun. I left everything at the trailer. I wonder if the wax will melt. I have to do some research and find out what I can put the paintings so that they don’t melt.
My friend who is with her daughter in the States hasn’t written for two days. It can’t be good. I wonder what she has decided to do. Apparently her daughter is harming herself and just not functioning. Her hubby and his parents are totally fed up. I hope to hear from her today as I am worried. I guess that can be one of the causes of my headache.
Last night we went for supper with very old friends. One couple was the new couple who both lost their spouses. They seem very happy together. My girlfriend wanted to know why I was so quiet. She just doesn’t know me. Mostly I am a listener. Even though we are friends from university she lived in Ottawa so we didn’t see each other that often. We don’t know each other that well at all. The other couple is from Toronto. They were the first of our friends married and the first to have a child. I always remember her changing her son’s diaper……………..
This morning I will go swimming. I hope the pool is open as it was closed for repairs. I have a lot of library books to return. Nothing else planned for the day so I’ll just take it easy.
Yesterday I was so upset reading online about the Islamists and how they are becoming so powerful in various countries. I am so afraid that they will take over the world and there will be a lot of TROUBLE!
I wish I could go back to the days when I was oblivious.
Going to call 800. Back later.
Talked a lot with hubby about my debt on the weekend and what we would do with the 5000. For whatever reason it is his decision. He always makes the major decisions about money. I have a feeling he may give me the whole amount to pay off my debt………………..I can only hope.
By the way my daughter and her boyfriend on on their way to GREECE. LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!

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