I am a negative thinker!
For example when I was having breakfast I started  to think about my sick friend back home. I started to wonder if she will be ok ’till I come home. Instead of thinking about positive stuff and being "happy" I am always thinking of sad stuff. I think about another friend who will have major surgery Friday morning. How I wish I was home so I could support them through this ordeal.
I think about all the hatred in the world. I think about war and crime and soldiers who are young and dying.
Instead of thinking about all this CRAP why don’t I think about the sun, going swimming etc. etc. Why don’t I think about all my friends who are well and here with me in Florida? Why do I think about men who fool around? Why don’t I think about my men friends who are married fifty years and more? Why don’t I think of a couple who walk around holding hands after fifty five years. I have to change my thinking and then maybe I could be happy.
Anyhow on to swimming and stained glass.

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February 19, 2013

yeah, what you think does affect your attitude about things. wake up every morning and choose to be happy. it really does work. take care,

February 19, 2013

Here’s a trick I use to change my way of thinking that might help… first pick something that really makes you happy. Then the next time you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, refocus to the thing that makes you happiest and once you start doing that, it’s going to make you a happier person.

February 19, 2013

I think we tend to lean toward the negative, cause it is so much easier to think negative. No work involved as that is what is on the TV, newspapers, internet, and in a lot of conversations. When we recognize our own negative way of thinking then the road ahead is much brighter!! You will succeed and your smiles will bet he proof!!

February 19, 2013

I think everyone, at one time or another, focuses on the negative. Maybe because we take the good for granted. I know for me, I’m always quick to wish or pray the bad things away, or for good things to come my way – this seems to come naturally for me. But I seldom give thanks for good things – I have to really work at this. You’re not the only one. 🙂 huggles,

February 19, 2013

Simply recognising something like this often goes a long way towards curing it.. Make a habit of replacing negative thoughts the instant they arise.

February 19, 2013

Remember the song: accentuate the positive? Maybe that would be a good line to run through your brain.

February 19, 2013

I have a tendency to worry also. I am trying to think positive each day and I am doing better at it. Thanks for your note. My mother always told us to die our gray hair, but my youngest grandson loves my hair natural so I think I will keep it natural. Love,

February 19, 2013

When I went to a counselor, she had me take note for a week of different thoughts I had and how they made me feel. Seeing my negative pattern and guilt inducing thoughts, she made me recognize that I have a choice about what I think of and she had me try to change my thinking every time I knew I was thinking something false or falsely guilt inducing etc. It is a behaviour change activity. It helpsme when I get to negative thinking.

February 19, 2013

What wonderful notes up there.

February 19, 2013

ah…. as my ex husband used to say (he was also a negative thinker and openly admits it)…. “as a pessimist I can only be pleasantly surprised”. He often said that to be an optimist made for a miserable life as one was often disappointed with outcomes etc. Thank you for your note and best wishes, A

February 19, 2013

you are the only one who can change your mindset to positive. hugs p

February 19, 2013

I hope it works for you..some great notes here that I’m going to have to try and practice also.

February 19, 2013

I’ve got to work on getting back to thinking positive also. I like the suggestions noters have made here!

There are some wonderful suggestions here. I am working on it, but I just left a note on a diary that when I went back to delete it I was a few seconds too late. But it was a note about a political view that the article used as reference was horrible one sided. Trouble is they are someone not from the US that was commenting on views in the US and I don’t lean the same way they do. I keep promising myself I will not comment when I know that they won’t change their minds and neither will I.

February 19, 2013

Stop and smell the roses, I know it is a cliche but I try and find at least one thing to be grateful for each day, most times I can find a lot more than one. Even if it is just “I woke up today” it is better than the alternative.

Sometimes when I read a particular entry from you, my heart hurts for you. I hope you are able to find you way out of this darkness and into a place filled with the light of positive reflections. *HUGS*

February 20, 2013

Usually negative thinkers grow from sad or tough experiences in life. It is not too hard to change it to positive thinking. Just keep reminding yourself that things turn out okay most of the times. And if you find yourself negative thinking again, just keep on reminding yourself that mostly things turn out for the best. These are truths that will help you be positive, for yourself.