We arrived in New York in the late afternoon. The drive here was easy.
What can I write about NY? It’s so BUSY!!!!!! There is so much going on. Our room is fairly small but comfortable.
It is a challenge for me to be with two other women but it’s ok. We’ve had fun. The hardest thing is deciding what we should do. While they are getting ready this morning I am going through the brochures etc.
Last night we walked on Broadway and had supper at Applebees. Very expensive. My cousin and sister bitched about the food but I had no complaints. It was HOT and my cousin found it hard to walk.
We got tickets for Hairspray. My sister wasn’t too happy but we couldn’t get tickets for Jersey Boys. I want to see another play. We’ll see. I know a few stores I want to go to so maybe we will separate but the other two are afraid to be alone so they can stay together. What can I do? I’m a grown up and don’t mind doing stuff alone especially if I can go where I want.
We plan to go to Ground Zero this morning and then shopping accross the street but it’s hot so don’t know what we will end up doing. Time for coffee.
Give a cheer for me. I didn’t complain at all yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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October 4, 2006

HURRAH for you…my daughter and granddaughter took the bus tour and really enjoyed it you can get off and on throughout the tour so you can see what you want to and catch the next bus on the tour when your finished, ground zero was on their list to see to and it have a profound effect on them, they enjoyed their visit there…hope you have a good time…

October 4, 2006

Good for You! I’d find it hard to not complain about the heat…. especially considering it’s October! I hope you have another great day! hugs, Weesprite

October 4, 2006

Enjoy your time in NY! 🙂

October 4, 2006

Have a wonderful trip! I’d love to see Hairspray – you’ll have to let us know how it is.

Heh heh — GOOD FOR YOU for being a grownup! My granddaughters saw Hairspray and they have all the music memorized — they do that every year when they go to NY – they memorize the music from the show they see! Anyway, it sounds like fun. Yes, that would be crowded with two other women – even if they are relatives. 🙂 Good luck and have as much fun as you can!

October 4, 2006

have a good time whilst there. But I am curious why so many people have to visit ground zero, seems a tad morbid to me. I rather celebrate the lives of people that were lost, maybe by doing something constructive for a family or something. hugs P

October 4, 2006

glad you are having fun and they weather should break soon, it should be more like fall in another day or two 🙂