I know that people, some people think that others should lose weight, stop drinking, stop worrying, grow up etc. They probably should BUT and that’s a BIG BUT……………. for them it isn’t easy. Often it’s not logical. They just can’t do it. Of course with help they might be able to do it. BUT and it’s a big but they have to want to. Also they need a lot of support – probably constant supprt – loving support. They need the strength from others to succeed, to over come, to move forward. Some people just don’t have the inner strength to do it!

I would caution everyone to THINK before they judge or condemn others. To you it might be a simple thing. Why can’t they stop drinking, limit their eating etc. BUT to that person it is very difficult. Who knows why? We each have our own  weaknesses – some more than others. We must be patient with each other and ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Personally I am very judgemental BUT I try not to be. Not always with success. One thing for sure is I hardly ever tell a person what I’m thinking. I keep it to myself. I might tell my hubby but unless it’s really serious I keep my mouth SHUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

I complain here!!!!

So please think carefully before you judge someone. Realize that what is easy for you to do is NOT necessarily easy for the other person.

























































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April 22, 2011

I agree!

April 22, 2011

well said. We are all guilty of it at times. However for all those difficult problems there is also professional help for people to enable them to deal with the issue. Hang in there. hugs P

We live a cushy life these days and have too much time on our hands to develop “problems.” I think if we had harder lives these days… hard hard work just to survive and get a place of shelter and get warm… then we wouldn’t have to think about losing weight — we’d be thin!

April 26, 2011

So true! More people need to think like you do.