I don’t know why I am not coming here as often as I use to. Am I getting bored with this place. I  just  I get "shpilkes in tuches". That means I just can’t sit still. I am constantly going from one activity to another. For example, I come here first thing in the morning. I check emails. I check Facebook and then I come here. I read my notes and then maybe my bookmarks. Often I move on  – to breakfast, empty the dishwasher etc. I DON’T read my favourites as often as I use to. I’m lucky I guess because I have been sleeping better than ever.

So now I am going to empty the dishwasher and maybe get some more sleep.

TODAY I CAN DRIVE. I FEEL A BIT NERVOUS! I SOMETIMES THINK MAYBE I WON’T DRIVE ANYMORE. It’s sad that sometimes I feel like giving up my independence and just relying on my hubby. I won’t drive today as my daughter is taking the car. Hubby is going to play golf and I am going to the clubhouse for exercise, swimming, stained glass and finally an art class. I guess I will be busy enough!!!!!!!!!

I have started to draw Zentangles. I am really enjoying it and will create a large one to put int the art show at the end of the winter. They are suppose to be made small but for whatever reason I like LARGE!!!!

My knitting is coming along great. The wool is beautiful and the onesie is coming out gorgeous. I an’t believe I am not making any mistakes. It’s probably because I have a lot of people here who can help. Isn’t that always the way?

My hubby is still engrossed in golf.

My daughter has been working on her PHD. Today she has the car so will be going to the library.

On with my day or should I say on to continue with my night……………………..


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November 21, 2013

I’ve been reading about the adult/femail version of ADHD, which seems to be about focus. I love the idea of your knitting and your zentangles and your imprved sleep and the rest of your contentment!

November 21, 2013

sleeping better and being able to drive again surely are wonderful steps forward. Hang in there. hugs p

November 21, 2013

Amazing though how busy we can stay even without a car. I just wrote about how I can get a ride anywhere usually with all the drivers we have in this house,hehe. Love,