I already wrote about one grandson and my granddaughter so now I want to write about my third grandchild. He is a very special little boy! He is the same age(9) as my other grandson and they look like twins but they are as different as day and night.
This grandson is active! He does not stop moving and thinking for a minute. He likes to plan his day. He is a very loving little boy and very affectionate. He gets bored very easily and that’s why it is hard to take him out. He is not sure what he wants to do and gets bored easily. He is a great athlete and did 
extremely well playing baseball this summer. Another thing he enjoys doing when I take him out is eat. He loves the hamburgers at A& W. He likes to go to Tim Horton and eats part of my donut also! LOL!
He is a brilliant little boy. His problem is sitting still in the class and I believe he socializes too much. The girls better watch out!
He is upset that I take my other grandson every week and even though I explained why
 I am sure he didn’t understand and/or accept my explanation. I wish I had more days in the week.
So what else can I say about him???
 He needs a lot of patience – not when he’s with me as we do what he wants but when he’s with his parents. He has trouble concentrating and the therapist said he would learn much easier if he could move around and/or have something in his hand.
Anyhow that’s him in a nutshell. He is a "complicated" little boy because he is brilliant and knows what he wants. My children think he should listen better – maybe they are right.
So that’s my three grandchildren. All three different and that’s what is so special about them and that’s why I take them out separately.

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September 15, 2012

Whew, he sounds like a whirlwind! I love how you write such wonderful things about each one of your grandchildren and appreciate their differences. :o) !! hugs, Nicky

September 16, 2012

Sounds like he has ADHD…Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder, his parents might want to take him to a doctor to get diagnosed. A lot of that has to do with diet, does he eat a lot of sugary foods?