I hope no one will be upset that I included their opinions here. I always wonder if it is better to include names or not. I haven’t. If you are upset I am sorry. Please let me know.
I think your opinions are so important to the younger generation.

People my age don’t take marriage seriously… it’s sad, really. 🙁 
5/10/2007 11:24:22 AM

It is much easier to get married than it is to get divorced. I haven’t been divorced, but I have witnessed many of them. I’m sure anyone who is mature enough to consider marriage would be mature enough to realize that divorce is a very costly option, both financially and emotionally…even without kids involved. 
5/10/2007 11:23:38 AM

Sad to hear that marriage is being taken so lightly. And you are right NOT WHEN YOU HAVE KIDS! Divorce is awful on the children, I know first hand.
5/10/2007 11:16:57 AM

I do feel that people think it is easy to get divorced and no big deal anymore. What they do not see is the emotional devastation that divorce brings. Tell your daughter that I have been divorced for a year and a half and I am STILL not over it nor are my kids. I personally think that getting married too young is a big mistake these days. People are living longer, I could not imagine being with the same person for 50 or 60 years! Of course that won’t happen to me now but I am never going to get married again anyway. I could not take that heartache again. It would finish me off. 
5/10/2007 9:47:58 AM

You gave good advice, but kids usually do whatever they want to do anyway, alas. People should not get married if they have any doubts whatsoever. That would mean a lot fewer people getting married! But it would also mean fewer getting divorced, I reckon. 
5/10/2007 5:45:27 AM

I suspect that it may look to young people like you can just get married and divorced, but when it comes down to it, it is VERY painful. I would not want a life with that much pain. Besides pain, there is a lot of financial loss for everybody. You are so right to advise her to tell her friend NOT to get married now. 
5/10/2007 2:56:28 AM

marriage should be considered a permanent committment unless unforeseen circumstances happen, but to go into it with reservations is not a good idea. If the fiance is so extreme in his religious views that could create major issues…I do hope they think it through properly first. 
5/10/2007 1:48:48 AM

Marriages are too emotionally disposable these days.

5/10/2007 1:31:35 AM


It’s tough to say what’s better…staying married because you HAVE kids and letting them see all the discord and who knows what else, or getting a divorce. For me, it meant no more physical abuse. Life sudddenly became peaceful and serene. Yes, it was tough. But worth it. I didn’t go into marraige thinking it would end that way, but I have to tell you, 11 years later I was grateful there was an out. 
5/10/2007 6:01:20 PM

I agree.. but as so often happens it seems that people have to learn by their own mistakes.. trouble is they cant adopt that attitude when there is a likelihood of children being involved..

RYN: All my friends seem to be part of couples or married.. going out with them feels like being the spare wheel…. Sigh… I need to find more singles but when i do they all seem to be only interested in nightclubs etc., .. But thanks for the suggestion.. I will keep looking.. 

5/10/2007 5:30:44 PM
<img width="16" height="16" border="0" src="../../images/notereply.gif" alt="” />

Sometimes I think that people today take marriage lightly and do not think much about divorcing. I always wanted a marriage to last forever, did not turn out that way. My first marriage lasted 21 yrs, and he left me for another woman. Second marriage lasted 3 yrs, but I got out with my life, he was so abusive her almost killed me a few times. Got tired of being beaten. Third time, he started drinking and beat me so it lasted 18 months. Not sure I want to get married again, I will be 60 in a couple weeks so think I would rather stay single and enjoy my grandchildren. Love, 
5/10/2007 4:29:30 PM

(c) that you should only think about yourself and if you don’t like it get out of it. That holds true for divoraces as well. people start thinking of themselves and getting greedy and they drag the proceedings out throwing children in the middle using them as barganing pieces. I’m glad my parents are together and taught me through example that during good and bad you can make it work.

5/10/2007 3:30:26 PM

People have the wrong idea about marriage they think its going to be love and sex and romance and everything it is at the beginning of a relationship. No one ever thinks its going to be hard and people will cry and feelings will get hurt. So when fights arise everyone just says lets get a divorace. I think it speaks poorly to our children. We are telling them that a family is not important.


5/10/2007 3:28:47 PM

5/10/2007 3:18:53 PM
<a title="block this user” href=”../../blockuser.asp?authorcode=A943445″>

5/10/2007 2:12:27 PM

I don’t mind at all. I tell my daughters ALL the time not to rush into marriage like I did. I hope they listen but as you well know, many times they do what they want anyway. I just hope they can learn from my mistake!
5/10/2007 2:03:13 PM

It’s sad that kids think that it’s so easy to get married then divorced, little do they realize the emotional part that goes with divorce, especially if there are kids involved. It’s too easy for divorce sometimes. I hope that girl doesn’t get married either, sounds like they aren’t ready for it. 
5/10/2007 1:29:16 AM


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May 10, 2007

I don’t mind at all. I tell my daughters ALL the time not to rush into marriage like I did. I hope they listen but as you well know, many times they do what they want anyway. I just hope they can learn from my mistake!

May 10, 2007

I don’t mind either. I think that so many things are “too emotionally disposeable” these days. (Someone used those words in their note.) This society has just become way too “easy come/easy go” about most everything. Things don’t MATTER deeply to people anymore. That’s why so many people are going around with this empty feeling inside much of the time. hugs, Weesprite

May 10, 2007

I agree that you shouldn’t have any doubts at all. When I think of people I knew in HS, most of them are on their 2nd marriage…

May 10, 2007

People have the wrong idea about marriage they think its going to be love and sex and romance and everything it is at the beginning of a relationship. No one ever thinks its going to be hard and people will cry and feelings will get hurt. So when fights arise everyone just says lets get a divorace. I think it speaks poorly to our children. We are telling them that a family is not important.

May 10, 2007

(c) that you should only think about yourself and if you don’t like it get out of it. That holds true for divoraces as well. people start thinking of themselves and getting greedy and they drag the proceedings out throwing children in the middle using them as barganing pieces. I’m glad my parents are together and taught me through example that during good and bad you can make it work.

May 10, 2007

Sometimes I think that people today take marriage lightly and do not think much about divorcing. I always wanted a marriage to last forever, did not turn out that way. My first marriage lasted 21 yrs, and he left me for another woman. Second marriage lasted 3 yrs, but I got out with my life, he was so abusive her almost killed me a few times. Got tired of being beaten. Third time, he started drinking and beat me so it lasted 18 months. Not sure I want to get married again, I will be 60 in a couple weeks so think I would rather stay single and enjoy my grandchildren. Love,

May 10, 2007

I agree.. but as so often happens it seems that people have to learn by their own mistakes.. trouble is they cant adopt that attitude when there is a likelihood of children being involved.. RYN: All my friends seem to be part of couples or married.. going out with them feels like being the spare wheel…. Sigh… I need to find more singles but when i do they all seem to be only interestedin nightclubs etc., .. But thanks for the suggestion.. I will keep looking..

May 10, 2007

its good to share thoughts and opinions…I never mkind my name being put to what I say….if its worth saying then we should all be able to admit our identity. Interesting to read this…shows most of us feel similar about marriage, that it is taken too lightly quite often. hugs P

I don’t mind. I would think most people who be afraid of getting a divorce. However, if the only way they can have sex without a lot of guilt is to get married, they will probably get married. Marrying someone without a “test drive” could be disastrous!

May 10, 2007

We celebrate 30 years next month. We are exact opposites. We could have thrown in the towel many times. Marriage, like divorce, is a choice. I read your last entry and feel a bit differently than you. I know a lot of people think a marriage with mixed faiths will not work but I’ve seen too many successes to agree. If I understood rightly, you think if the girl is having doubts she should wait, buthave you ever seen a bride and groom who did NOT have a few doubts? I do think marriage is taken too lightly. Too many parents teaching their children that commitments are easily broken, I think.

May 10, 2007

I do not mind at all if you use mine. I wanted a marriage like my grandparents but then he passed away at age 47. But Granny still loved him after he passed on. I at least get along with my first husband. We are friends, so guess we have come a long ways. The grandkids see us go places together so I think that shows them that even divorced people can get along. Love,

May 11, 2007

ps…I have said this before to people….I believe most people go into marriage for what they can get out of it rather than what they can put into it. This is basically why many don’t last…. It needs to be like that old cliche “not looking at each other but looking together in the same direction”. hugs again P