I don’t know about all religions but being Jewish there are so many rules to follow. Is that not being told what to do? Of course everyone decides for themselves which rules they will follow but as far as I am concerned religion does tell you what you can and cannot do. In the Jewish religion there are 613 "rules" to follow.
We are told how to dress, what we can eat etc.
Aren’t the Muslims told to pray several times a day?
Anyhow I certainly don’t want to argue about this. When I read the quote in the other entry it "spoke" to me.
If it offends anyone forgive me and let’s move on.

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No offense taken at all! Just lively discussion, which is good! 🙂

A big difference between Christianity and Judaism as well as Islam… Jesus came to release people from the bondage of the laws. He said he brought a law of love, which was to love our neighbors.