I am making progress getting this place in order with the help of my hubby. We are putting things in place. I am getting rid of stuff. Hubby bought a new vacuum cleaner to help clean up the ants. It’s strange how they are coming in, in droves!!!! He did some caulking so hopefully we won’t have any new ones.

Yesterday I was anxious again. I told my daughter but don’t think I’ll tell her anymore. For whatever reason I became upset because hubby went out to do some messages. I thought that maybe just maybe he was out with that woman. I don’t know how to stop myself from getting upset but if I don’t I’ll have a miserable winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t know why I started to mistrust him. It’s crazy I know. I would never believe if you would have told me that I’d be like this! MY HUBBY IS VERY TRUSTWORTHY and over the last almost fifty years he has never once given me cause for concern. I guess I have to remind myself to calm down.

I’m glad I got into OD tonight. Sometimes I find it works better in the middle of the night!

Anyhow I better get back to bed. There is a lot to do tomorrow. Hope I’ll get a chance to read more of your entries  soon.

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November 8, 2013

It is do good to be able to get around to visit people on OD again. You need to find some kind of mantra to calm your mind when you start to feel anxious.. Are you taking any new medications that might be triggering these new anxieties? Take care..

November 8, 2013

trust is vital for any relationship to last…I hope you can overcome your unfounded fears. hugs p

November 9, 2013

Just telling you this because it happened to me, I thought my husband was trustworthy too but he wasn’t turns out. If you are having these feelings, there may be something to it! Just saying!

November 9, 2013

Nice to have a husband who works alongside you doing the chores. It’s a good thing to share. ryn: I just finished reading a thriller – eh, not so great – called Abduction. I am currently reading a LONG e-book about a teen who went with her family backpacking around Asia. She whines a LOT. I rarely give up on a book…

November 10, 2013

I think you need to get to know the woman better. It sounds like you aren’t acquainted with her at all. If you got to know her you might see that she’s not the type that you worry she might be! Is she married? If so, why not invite her and her husband over for dinner or cards? If not, you could still invite just her to dinner, or to go out for coffee with you or something. hugs, Nicky