Last night was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!! So relaxing and fun to watch my son take over. I thought my two sons would do it together but in the end my youngest son lead the seder. It was relaxing. Most of the time I just sat there. The children ran to the kitchen to get the water and bowl and towel so we could wash our hands. It is part of the service!!!!! I just sat there…………..The children read, they answered questions etc. I was very proud of my son and grandchildren! For years I needed control. No more………………
I am left with a mess which I’ll start cleaning soon. No rush!!!!!!!!!!!!
My daughter’s boyfriend is wonderful!!!!!!!!!! He is friendly, helpful and treats my daughter with respect and LOVE!
So all in all I am one happy woman.
My daughter leaves this morning. BO HOOOOOOOOO!! She is a wonderful young lady. Looking at her across the room she still looks like a little girl not a woman but a woman she is!
Hubby is going to play golf this morning. I will stay home and clean up. I will try to reorganize my scrapbook room. I will put labels on all my containers. That might help a bit.
My DIL wants to get into scrapbooking. I gave her a few  books. I wanted to give her my CRICUT but she didn’t take it last night. Maybe I’ll start using it. My problem is I need a place to keep everything. I won’t take it off the shelf every time I want to use it. I wish my room was bigger. Today I’ll try to reorganize so maybe I will/can use it. I’m going to take it easy…………………………. So I’m going to do the dishes. One of my sons did a lot but there is still a lot left. More later I think.

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April 8, 2012

I’m glad you had time to spend with your family. I hope you can relax and do what you like today.

I”m glad you got to just relax and enjoy your seder.

April 8, 2012

It sounds like a wonderful time! Take it easy and enjoy the day!

April 8, 2012

Loved this entry. You sound happy and I can tell how much you love your family. Love,

April 8, 2012

So happy it went so well and you had a great time.

April 8, 2012

glad it all has been wonderful…hugs p

It is nice to read that your family is allowing you to relax by stepping up to the plate.

April 8, 2012

RYN: Thankfully I was better but Hubby caught what lil man and I had. So Easter was blah for us. Yeah it seems my mother is trying to move on but than my dad or his new wife start up a whirl wind of issues. I’ve come to the point it goes in one ear and out the other. I have my own family to worry about now is how I look at it.