I woke up very late – almost ten. I don’t remember when I last got up so late. For many years I always woke up very late. Sometimes I would sleep until noon or later. Hubby would always look after the children in the morning. But for the last many years I wake by six or seven.
This morning I finished unpacking the last three boxes. The books are on the bed so during the day I will have to put them away – wherever that is???????? This weekend I will work on getting rid of hardcover books and journals I will never use. I must make more room on the shelves. We are soon going to have lunch and then hubby will take me to do some messages.
Tomorrow I will probably go the movie, Sarah’s Key. I read the book and it was very good. Also my friend and I might make an order for some stands etc. for our eggs. We are going to start working on them again.
I have to start doing the WII again now that I’m not unpacking anymore. Then I want to start painting but I realize that I don’t have my paint so will have to go down and check for more boxes. I will also start going through photos and separate the ones I want to put in the next family scrapbook I’m doing. I will start working on our huge dining room table.
Not sure about the rest of the weekend. I will play it by ear.



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That sounds like enough to keep you busy for SOME time! :=-)

I hate unpacking after a move. I haven’t some stuff after oh…five years.:

July 29, 2011

unpacking is such a chore. take care,

July 29, 2011

I hate unpacking, but what I have to do is downsize and get rid of stuff. I am a pack rat and so was my husband.

ryn-I take calcium with vitamin D, fish oil and one a day silver. I also take glucosomine chondroiten. I have a feeling that I misspelled that last one.

July 29, 2011

you were lucky to haver a hubby who supported your late wakeups and got on himself sorting the children.As someone who raised my kids alone….that is something I never had. I am amazed at how long it is taking you to unpack too…you must have heaps of stuff…and presumably hubby isn’t so helpful these days. hugs P

July 29, 2011

Thanks for your note. I sure understand about moving and unpacking. Hope you find the space you need for the books. Love,

July 29, 2011

It sounds like a great weekend! You really did a lot of work lately. I don’t like sleeping late. Never did, not even as a child. The earlier up, the better, for me. Lolol. But the women in our family were all like that.