I’m not going swimming this morning but maybe just maybe I’ll go later in the day. Things are still nerve wracking around here. A friend, actually my SIL’s sister’s husband had a heart attack at the beginning of the week. I think he will be sent home for the rest of the winter. The insurance won’t pay anymore so he is much safer to just go home. He had an angiogram yesterday but haven’t heard about any results yet. I just can’t believe all that is going on!!!!!!!!
Yesterday was the first night of Hanukah. I wrapped some presents for my Hanukah party on Sunday. I’ll be so happy when it’s over! I also put up some decorations and brought in other things I will need for the party.
Yesterday I went swimming early in the morning. My friend was swimming in the outdoor pool so I went into the indoor pool alone. I don’t want to be out in the sun. I met some women there and we talked. One is actually a neighbour on this floor. She was telling me all about her life………..her new husband, her life in Atlantic city, how most of her family members are doctors and how one actually owns the Festival Flea Market!!!!!!!
The other woman and I were talking about life. I was telling her how I am not doing what I use to do for years. She actually understood. I explained how I wasn’t volunteering for anything here. I told the art club I will not help with art expo. I just want to relax(HA!) and enjoy. This is the last year that I will make the Hanukah party, seders etc.
My daughter and her boyfriend are here. I have barely seen them. My daughter was busy going to her university to try to save her thesis. Apparently she has to start over!!!!!!!!!!!! This afternoon they are going to the KEYS until Friday.
I have some Hanukah presents to wrap and send out. I hope to go to the post office this afternoon. Hubby is playing golf this morning so I have to wait till he comes back to use the car. I also need to buy some potatoes and other stuff for the party on Sunday. 
Maybe I’ll go to the pool this afternoon. Maybe I won’t have time so I’ll just go shopping.
Time for breakfast. I am just a bundle of nerves. I hope things settle down soon.

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December 21, 2011

prayers things settle down for you soon. take care,

December 21, 2011

Just try and relax, you got it made!

All of them are e-books, but I have five paperback books and my upcoming Mangadarth trilogy will be available in paperback, too. =)

December 21, 2011

Relax!! You’ve earned it! RYN: I would be totally happy with a Justice of the Peace since he’s been married three times before me but he wants me to have a full blown wedding. He thinks of nothing but me and the kids. He wants it all for me. I have never experienced a man who wants everything for me before. I love it. I want to be married to him no matter how it’s done. He wants the same. He just wants me to have the big wedding since he has already been down that road. It’s always for me.