I get so fed up with weight issues. 
I get so fed up with magazines that always advertise ways to lose weight. I am sure most only work for a very short time.
I am so fed up with people who are so obsessed with their weight.
I am so fed up with people who talk about what they are or aren’t eating. Who cares? Eat what you want and keep quiet!
I am so fed up with people who comment on other people’s weight.
I am so fed up with people who are always talking bout how much they weigh.
Can’t people just eat or not and KEEP QUIET about it?
I HATE BUYING MAGAZINES that are advertising another way I can lose 50 pounds in a week. It will never happen.
We had the grapefruit diet, the cookie diet, the muffin diet etc. Please just eat in moderation and MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ever notice that all those magazines featuring weight loss programs and diets also have photos of fantastic desserts and meals featured on their covers. It’s utterly ridiculous!

oh, let’s see, how much do I weigh? ahh , I weigh . . . .. gotcha! lol

That’s what I LOVE so much about opendiary. —that you and I can read the same entries and we get totally OPPOSITE feelings from it. Now, for me, I don’t talk much about food or weight most times, however, I LOVE it when I come across a random entry anywhere that mentions food or wieght or calories etc, or cooking. To me, those are reminders for me, helpful hints for me, etc, sometimes it ‘s about learning something new . And I like that about od entries. So, what’s bad for you was good for me . But I Love that you wrote this entry anyway because it gives everyone a chance to see and to remember that we can all be SO different yet we can have a good experience here on opendiary. THANKS for this entry

Now, the magazine issue is a total other thing. That frustrates me to see EVERY single women’s magazine must have a diet or a weight or lose weight article featured on the cover, no matter what month or what magazine. One day I searched for a magazine that didn’t have that on the cover and I could not find one. I wound up buying UTNE ..a good magazine and it didn’t feature weight on the cover.