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September 30, 2007

Oh yay, congrats and good luck with the move and new job!!

September 30, 2007

Hey man! Good luck with the move. I hope it’ll be uneventful. I think you’re going growing your career already. I hope the job will teach you alot. =) And hopefully Paul will get into gradschool.

October 1, 2007

best of luck! keep us posted 😉

October 2, 2007

ryn: Yeah, good ol’ Ted. I think the diary is working well too. I try to color code facts since people have short attention spans. So highlighting the more important stuff is important since they should read that right away. The articles are good, but they’re kind of textbook… and people hate reading those. I might highlight stuff in there as well. 🙂 Good luck with the new job!