
01. Fallen for your best friend?: Yes.. but of course, it was a guy.

02. Made out w/ JUST a friend?: Hmm… yes

03. Been rejected?: kinda sorta, sure

04. Been in love?: yes

05. Been in lust?: yyeeessss

06. Used someone?: Not in such a mean sense.. I wouldnt really say “used”..

07. Been used?: Not unless I was doing the same thing to the guy..

08. Cheated on someone?: *sigh* Yes

09. Been cheated on?: Yes

10. Been kissed?: yes

11. Done something you regret?: yes

*Who was the last Guy and Girl…*

12. You touched? Eric, Chewwie

13. You talked to? Eric, Sonya

14. You hugged? Eric, my mom

15. You instant messaged? Marcus, Renee (probably)

16. You kissed? Eric, Chewwie

17. You had sex with? n/a

18. You yelled at? Boy on bus, Chewwie

19. You laughed with? Eric, Renee

21. Who broke your heart? Simon, Marcus in a sense

*Do you…*

22. Colour your hair? highlight

23. Have tattoos? no

24. Piercings? ears

25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? Hmm.. yeah, Kinda.

27. Own a webcam? no

28. Ever get off the damn computer? Hmm.. yes

29. Sprechen sie deutsch? ????? Ja, naturlich! Jeden tag!

30. Habla espanol? Como estas?

31. Quack? I quacked not too long ago, actually.

*Have you / do you/ are you…*

32. Stolen anything? yes

33. Smoke? no

34. Schizophrenic? who knows

35. Obsessive? sometimes

36. Compulsive? sometimes

37. Obsessive compulsive? sometimes

38. Panic? a little

39. Anxiety? yeah

40. Depressed? in moderation

41. Suicidal? no

42. Obsessed with hate? no

43. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? A few times

44. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? I cant recall..

45. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? Hmm..

46. Who would you be with? Someone who makes me happy

47. What would you be doing? dreaming

48. What are you listening to? people typing

49. Can you do anything freakish with your body? Yeah.. I can pop my shoulders out of socket.. my toes, wrists, fingers, and hips are double jointed. I can wiggle my nose, and wiggle my ears.. I can do that thing with your stomach where you make it roll..etc

50. Chicken or fish? chicken

51. Is ice cream the best thing in the world? sometimes

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Hmm, what did I do to you Debbie? If you’d email me or something, I think that might be really good.