The scrolling makes me laugh..

Yep.. here I am again. We started taking our school finals today. Our last day of school is June 3. It seems wierd for some reason that this years coming to an end. I dont know why. I know that things will be a lot different from now on. *sigh* Oh well, what can you do?

Eric was getting on my nerves for some reason the last time I saw him.. most likely it was because I was hot, and maybe PMS, who knows.. he doesnt talk much, and it was irritating because we were just driving around, and it was quiet. He just seemed to be different in some way. Im not really worrying about it too much, though. Ive got a lot going on right now.. I’ve got some plans this weekend.. so Im not going to see Eric on Sunday,but I feel ok about that because I think its important for me to spend time with all my friends at Tanyas graduation party before we all split up.. Like I said, I just feel like things are going to be quite different after this year. And I think my friends are way more important than some guy, and I love them a lot more, too! But, you all know what guys are good for..


Ive been sick for about a week now. It sucks because the weather outside is so hot, and I have a freaking cold. I have snot everywhere..

Here’s something I will say for Autumn: “I’m the 9!!”

I gave one of my brothers my diary name.. if you read this, hi! Soo.. I think mom and roger have been having problems lately.. directly, its none of my business, but she talked to me about it. I tried to convince her that among everything else she needs to make herself happy. I dont know if she really listened to me, though. Im sure that she’ll make a good decision..

Ive had so much freakin studying to do lately.. Im always having a headache and everything.. stupid school! Oh well, after this weekend there will only be 1 day left. I know, Im talking about boring shit, but what else is there.. Raven and Mike are having problems.. hes being a real asshole, I guess, and she should go tell him to jack off in his own mouth.

Anyway, I hear Hitler calling, so I should go. Hope everyone has a great freakin day.

*Does the robot dance* *pelvic thrust*

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