diddlysquat 2

my horoscopes for today-
Your recent determination pays off well today, so take the recognition and admiration you deserve. Let bosses and parents pat you on the back and use your impressive outcome to orchestrate ways to make future tasks easier.

well im always determined no matter what, but sometimes you just dont always get credit where credit is due. a

singles love:One minute you’re zooming along, the next minute the love police have you pulled over and you’re getting a stern talking-to. Okay, so you might need to slow down, but that sure doesn’t mean stop.

actually im goin so slow in the romance department that its impossible to stop lol. yup.

today was rainy again but very chilly! not as rainy as yesterday though. i didnt need my umbrella today.  tonight is friday night and i havent done anything. and im glad nothing came up because my body needs sleep more than anything right now. seriously. today i also started my ab workouts again. i need to discipline myself and stop tryin to make myself feel happy and unstressed by eating chocolates lol. goodnight everyone

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