Nothing new.

Nothing really to say, but here’s some photos. Taken with a Sony A7iii and a mix of an adapted Canon 16-35 f/2.8 and a Tamron 28-75 f/2.8
Actually, I lied. The only real news I have is that I hope to be going to Italy or back to England after my time here. I’ll find out in December if not sooner.
Thanks for posting these!!! There will always be this thing that a REAL camera will always capture and digital trinkets never will. Do you do your own developing?
@thenerve I do all my own processing in Lightroom. Never went so far as to try and develop/print if that’s what you mean.
@happinessandthefish – I did. How on Earth do you develop film on software, as opposed to in the dark room?
@thenerve well, you could scan the negatives I suppose. I’m fairly certain I’ve heard of that technique, but it may be more for preserving, compared to trying to them do some post-processing on them. I’ve never been a film shooter so I wouldn’t really know.
@happinessandthefish – I’m so confused… the cameras you mentioned are film cameras… am I missing something? <:)
@thenerve oh no, the Sony A7iii is a digital camera.
@happinessandthefish – Oh, duh. Don’t ask me how dumb I feel now LOL
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