Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.  I never thought it would hit so close to home.  Walker starts another round of chemo today.  He was supposed to have it last week but his bloodwork levels weren’t right so they had to wait.  He’s handling chemo well so far, although he did end up in the hospital with fever and a cold after his last treatment.  He’s so precious.

I have been making shirts/onesies for him with a zipper to make it easier to access the port on his chest.  This way they don’t have to take his clothes all the way off for treatments and blood draws.   So far I have made him 15 of them.  I just buy regular onesies and put a zipper in over the right side.

I really enjoy doing them and have gotten very good at it.  It’s easy to find port access shirts online for older kids and adults but very hard to find anything for babies as little as Walker.

I’ve also been working on my nieces’s quilt.  This is the one with all the signatures from guests at her wedding.  It’s hard to see on the small picture but the signatures are on the white squares.  I am almost done quilting it so just need to put the border on it…my least favorite part of making a quilt.

That’s it here…not much going on.  It will be a couple of weeks before we make another trip to Houston for Walker’s five day hospital stay.  Maybe we can get Landon to go with us this time.  For today I’m either going to rearrange Landon’s bedroom (which will take all day) or we are going to get groceries.  I’ll see which one Landon would rather do.

Happy Monday!!


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September 14, 2023

You are so kind and caring.  What a sweet thing to  add zippers for those onesies for Walker.

I pray he continues to respond well to the treatments.  He is so adorable and well loved!

The quilt is very special!

Take care!

October 8, 2023

Hey there, that’s a precious pic of Walker. ♥