Happy Mother’s Day…

Well, I’m trying to put one foot in front of the other and keep
walking. I guess I have issues. So much is going on with me emotionally
it’s hard to keep up with myself and lack of sleep doesn’t help. It
seems to make me even more labile. It’s not just the whole fertility
vs. infertility thing with my daughters, it’s all the issues I was
dealing with prior to that as well. All this stupid dad stuff. Maybe I
should have just left well enough alone, yet well enough just doesn’t
seem to want to STAY left alone. Nevertheless, when you go to plant new
seeds, you till the garden and when you till the garden it tears up
some roots and messes the place up. I guess that’s what’s happening
now. My therapist seems to think that’s what is happening.

still may have to take a break from therapy due to insurance issues.
I’ll be able to continue once the Starbucks insurance kicks in. The
insurance from my husband’s company is just not very good. It turns out
to not cover the therapy even as well as it said in the book they hand
out so I’m having to pay more than I even thought – ugh. What can you

I caught up with a lot of sleep today. That should help things.

Happy Mothers Day to all of you Mothers out there!

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May 7, 2005

Happy Mother’s day to you as well! Hope you have a nice relaxing day with lots of sunshine and happiness surrounding you! Hugs~~

May 7, 2005

Yes, sleep is so important. I have to wonder if you’re burning the candle at both ends with those two jobs. ??? Take good care of yourself and happy mother’s day!

May 8, 2005

As I read your note, I thought for a moment you might be at Kings Island at the same time as me. Never mind. I hope your son enjoys it as well as you if you are going along. I’ll report back

Happpppy Mothers day! Get some rest- Liz

May 8, 2005

Hey, I’ve just been reading “Gal”‘s diary or “hurt” now and I’ve been noticing your notes…that’s so nice of you to just give the poor girl some hope. I thought it was a great gesture and even though something as small as a diary note can mean so much to someone who’s hurting so much as she seems to be. Take care and Happy Mother’s Day! 🙂

Happy Mother’s day!

May 9, 2005

thanx i’ll be around for another while tho.. and i’ll hopefully be back again too

happy mothers day!!!! ryn: thanx for the comment. i personally think it is very true for girls. it can b a way to express what they feel about their boyfriend or as such. i just didnt have a good day and some of those phrases were runing through my head so i jotted them down on od. lol. thats my way of writing. it has to come of me so i dont think all that much.well hope to talk to ya soon! xoxoxo

May 9, 2005

my Mother’s Day was good and sleep helps out with a lot of problems