My Jobs – Edited

I went shopping at Marshall Field’s after therapy and found a black
skirt on sale in the 60% off bin. It probably should have been around
$10-$15 but the tag would scan so they couldn’t give me a price which
really ticked me off. They said they’d have to leave it for their
merchandisers… THAT ticked me off… the good thing is that I am solidly
a size 8 now. I was encouraged by the good size news. My blouse size is
not 8, just size 8 from the waist down. I guess my chest or whatever…
bust… is too big to be size 8, but from the waist down I’m size 8 so
that was pretty cool. But why do I still feel so fat? I still feel
chubby so often. I guess it’s because I’m pretty flabby… all that skin
hanging around where there used to be fat taking up room. It could be
worse. I look pretty good in clothes, but I guess I’ll never be
completely satisfied with how I look. I need to get myself a life (as
they say).

Up at 3am this morning! URG! I showered, did dishes,
made lunches, made coffee, then out the door to Sbux. I do love opening
there, though. It’s such a wonderful job. It sounds so stupid and
simple, but I love setting out the pastries in the morning and getting
the bar ready for drinks. It’s organized and I love getting things in
order… all the muffins in a row on a white serving tray… all the
scones, donuts… etc., etc. I probably have OCD or something but it’s
just such a joy to have these things all in a row, like a good game of

I’m great at steaming up the milk too. LOL I can take
half a pitcher of milk and make it foam until it’s standing up past the
top of the rim. It’s hot and sweet and thick as cream! I love to take a
couple of nice rich shots and put them in a cup with just a squeeze of
carmel sauce then cover it with thick foam and sip it during the lulls
in the morning rush (stepping off the floor, of course).

with the law office… the stuff I like best there has to do with
organizing and putting things in order. I love taking people’s Estate
Planning Organizers and their jumble of wishes then organizing them
into a cohesive trust package with a nice trust or set of trusts,
will(s) and powers of attorney. Having things in order *sigh* — it’s a
wonderful thing. I love my jobs…. And, terrifically, my bosses seem to
really love having me.

So yesterday my boss’s boss (the district
manager), and his boss came in to meet with my boss. We were really on
top of everything. We had been left a pamphlet about the newest “black
apron” coffee released by Sbux. It’s called Elephant Kinjia, kinjia
being the Swahili word for “paths” because this coffee bean is grown in
the soil of an extinct volcano and the plantation on which it is grown
as set aside certain areas as paths for the wildlife (particularly
elephants and lions) to travel through safely on their way between
various fields.

I made a French press of the Kinjia coffee and
coupled it with samples of the chocolate marshmallow bar since the
pamphlet on the coffee recommended pairing it with chocolate or citrus
pastries. I didn’t realize that the man I was introduced to was the
district manager’s boss, I thought he was just another customer. I was
out there sampling and telling folks about this coffee and offered him
a sample cup of it, chatting more about it’s origins LOL. I made a
great impression not even realizing what I was doing. That, in turn,
made a good impression on the DM and on my boss as well. I was
thrilled. I tend to be really good at doing the worst thing at the
worst time, not the best thing LOL, so this was a great turn of events
for me. 


P.S. If any of you decide to apply at Sbux, let me know, if you put my
name down I can get like a $25 referral fee or something like
that.  That is NOT why I’m saying all this good stuff about the
bucks. I really DO like it… but  somebody made a joke about it
and I realized I should add this! Who couldn’t use an extra $25….
but, hey… leave me a note and I’ll give you my email address because
you can’t put down Eryssa LOL

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*random* I’ve got a bit of flab myself after losing a lot of weight but in the stress of the past few months I’ve put some weight back on…and it’s got to go. I’d rather be a bit flabby than be fat again.

Well darlin, there you go! You just never KNOW who is going to be checking on you! Yeeks….. So tell me WHY you LOVE opening for Starbucks early in the morning? I may need a 2nd job.

May 4, 2005

Congrats on the size 8 skirt! You really seem to love your jobs…that’s great! Keep up the good work. Hugs~

May 4, 2005

I am glad I saw a smiley face today!!!! size 8…! Love the mad cow

May 4, 2005

mom, I think you are turning into a shop-a-holic!!! 🙂 You are so funny. You are NOT chubby, in fact yesterday as I was looking at you when we talked on the couch I remember thinking how thin you look! You look great! I am glad you made a good impression on your bosses too, that is so cool. That must have boosted your confidence! Love ya!!!

May 4, 2005

now see there? trying to bribe us with a job so you can make some extra dough…how rude!…LOL Love ya bunches! the mad cow

Hmmmmm, looking at a note above. SO, why did you decide to allow daughter to read you? YOU NEED YOUR SOULFUL SPACE darlin! Wrapping you up in HUGS!

lol glad you’re feeling good! yayayay for shopping and for organization. lmao about the job referral…that made me smile. thx L

May 5, 2005

I feel…ok, I’m fat all the time. But the cats still love me, so I don’t care. I want to try that coffee…it sounds goood! I’m glad you are having fun at your job:)

May 5, 2005

You look great! So happy to hear that things are going well. – with all my love…-B-

when you have been overweight for such a long time… its hard to adjust mentally to the difference. Give yourself so more time. Try and look at the qualities you have other than what you look like…. I mean really… does God care what size you are? As long as your healthy and close to Him all is well!

See the good things about doughnuts is they don´t talk back, they don´t suddenly up and become a turkey, they just lay there in a nice orderly way. Unlike people.