
Dear Diary,

I really need to write in you more. I always feel much better once I can get some of these thoughts out of my head. You really help me a lot. I will do better.

Last Tuesday we said our final goodbyes to my coworker and friend as she was laid to rest. Naturally it was sad, however, all the stories her family and closest friends shared were funny and that lightened things up a bit. As these family members and friends shared the stories I kept telling myself “yep, that’s totally S!” and laugh and laugh. She is the only person I know that could actually put the “fun” in funeral. I am going to miss her.

I’ve been doing a lot of my thinking about my job lately. I’ve decided I don’t want to work there anymore. The work is just too repetitive and not very challenging. I have come to the realization that I am bored. And my boss sucks too, she’s so unprofessional and two faced. I can’t deal. Yes, I get paid really well and I live pretty comfortably, but I literally hate being there. I’ve applied to a few places and have had a few interviews, with luck. I had an interview today. I’ll have to take a pay cut, which I already knew would most likely happen, and I have accepted that. It won’t be too bad of a pay cut, and I could limit and cut down on some of the extravagance that I could live without to make ends meet, not problem. I’m trying not to get my hopes up, but I feel this interview went very well. I have a 2nd interview on Monday with the head honcho and I am pretty nervous and excited about. But again, I am not getting my hopes up (I hope). I am looking forward to putting my 2 weeks notice in though, so I hope on Monday I’ll hear right away. I cannot stand another day at my current job.

Anyway, Diary, that’s all for today.

That Girl


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