Wake Up

Dear Diary,

It’s been a very rough 24 hours. I miss my sweet boy. I haven’t had the heart to dispose of his food and water dishes, his bed, and his toys. I know I need to, but some silly part of me is telling myself that this is all a really bad nightmare. He’s healthy and just outside doing his business and that I should go check on him to see if he’s ready to come back in yet. I know it’s silly and delusional, it’s truly not fair that this had happened to him. He was such a good dog. So loving and sweet. Even to the cat. The cat has been so wonderful during this time. He hasn’t left my side since I returned home from the vet’s office yesterday. He knows I’m upset and he’s trying his best to cheer me up. 

So, on a different note. My new job is going very well. We closed on Friday due to the horrendous weather, which I was thankful for. I’m a little overwhelmed, however my preceptor swears I am doing an amazing job so far, even though it’s only been 2 days of work so far. I hope I truly am doing well. I know I am a little slow, and there are a ton of patient and understanding people I’ve been dealing with. Also, it’s very busy work, which is awesome, because I like buys. However, there are times I find myself sitting there feeling like I am not doing enough. I guess I attribute that to my previous job, because I really am not used to so much sitting. I want to be up running around doing things. I guess I feel more productive that way. I am liking the new job though, thus far. I have met quite a few characters already, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, I have been told. I truly look forward to what’s next. 

I hear we are in for another ice storm this upcoming week. Will this nasty weather ever end? I am thankful I work in a place that will now close if need be due to very bad weather. They think of their staff for once instead of the all mighty dollar. I truly appreciate that. Especially because I drive a longer distance now. Though, I mainly take main roads now, those roads are usually busy and people still tend to drive like idiots no matter what the weather is like. I’d rather not be on the road with those people. 

Anyway, Diary, I am off to finish my laundry. Have a good day.

Your Friend, 

That Girl

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